took off my muffler... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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took off my muffler...


Explorer Addict
January 19, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
san luis obispo, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
McNeil Mountaineer
haha today i decided to take off my muffler.. I'm running a V-force muffler which sounds different, and I just wanted to see how loud I could get my mountaineer if i took it off... haha warform took his off, and it sounded sweeet so I took mine off today.. haha its soooooo loud!!!! imma probably put it back on thursday. haha i'm not worried about noise violation because if i get a ticket, they'll send me to get it checked at the place where I took off my muffler! haha..

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We need a sound clip. I've ran mine with just straight headers before. :cool: Sounds bad ass.

haha.. i said i'd put it back on after two days...its only the second day, and I love driving my mounty.. I wanna leave it off for maybe a couple more days.. haha

How can you stand that. Its sooo I took my truck for a drive around the block when I had my muffler off just to see how loud it was, and it was obnoxiously loud. I couldnt hear myself think.and I only have a v6

Things that boring in CA these days Clark? heh
Put that muffler back on for your neighbor's sakes and stop killing the ozone ya nut. ;)

No mufflers won't hurt the environment will it, maybe just deafen animals. I ran a straight pipe before off the was fun for a while, but eventually when you just wanted to cruise around it was too loud and not tuned the way I would have liked it to sound. When it idled though it sounded nice. Real deep sound.

As long as the cat is still there, you're not hurting anything except your hearing :p Who needs that anyways. :D :cool:

yeh.. its been boring here.. the cops are really cracking down on ricers here and are pulling them over and sending them to our smog referee.. haha im just taking advantage of having a truck and not worrying about being pulled over and ticketed' just for a intake.

I'm clearly going to try that tomorrow before I put my new cat back on. Can't wait to wake up the neighborhood :D

Crazy clark. My exhaust is so loud, when I go to my friend's houses, they're already outside waiting for me.

I really need to put my mufflers back on, I really liked the sound of my flows. Right now it just sounds like a boat.

hahaha....when I took my exhaust off it was hard to come in at 5:00 in the morning...I had to idle down the road and up the driveway as to not wake anyone up.

I took my muffler off and you can kinda get a feel of what it sounded like in this video

You know your exhaust is loud when it sets off car alarms. Proud to say i can set off car alarms just driving through the parking lot!

I had this thought a few weeks ago, I remembered seeing in (I think it was) Summit Racing's catalog a Y shaped valve so you can turn the valve one way and use your muffler and the other way and not....just out of curiosity, just how bad does a v6 sound with no muffler? I mean sure it won't sound like a v8, but would it sound "cool" at all?

They put a straight pipe crossover valve on project Copperhead on Trucks!

that would be fun, run straight pipes out of that bad boy 572 and then flick a switch when the cops roll up

So would a v6 sound like crap?

Originally posted by nkexplrr
You know your exhaust is loud when it sets off car alarms. Proud to say i can set off car alarms just driving through the parking lot!

What is your exhaust setup? Straight pipe?

well it'd just be a valve right before the the valve, no muffler

I'll find my digi camcorder and make a video!

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My truck is straight piped as of today. Nothing after the Y pipe. I'll try to get a sound clip with the laptop tomorrow
