took off my muffler... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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took off my muffler...

hahahaha i'm so stupid, you know it always helps to FULLY read what other people post.....I just now reread what i say and what snocross said...and i now realize he wasn't replying to what i i'm a moron. so moral of the story goes:

Forum Etiquette Rule #1: Read what other people post in it's entirety.

Forum Etiquette Rule #2: Read what you just it's entirety before pressing "Submit Reply"

i feel stupid, lol

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My dad's buddy has a 66 vette big block with the headers running out the side of the car, and thats it. Talk about loud.

I think thats too loud to go driving around with no muffler. Not to mention kinda rude if in neighborhoods, by hospitals and the like.
BTW, there are WAYYYYYYY too many "haha's" in this thread

I'm in the middle now of replacing my cat back, so I drove around today with no muffler, just the pipe from the cat.... WOW! It sounds like a boat! Starting it and at idle it sounds really cool, but when you hit the gas even a little bit it's just rediculous... WAY to loud. It hurts. Tommorow I'll have my new cat back on, and be back to sainity (or as close as I get).

snowburns - don't worry about it :D

I drove my trans am around for 8 months with just long tube headers. I dont know how I didn't get a ticket, just lucky I guess

exhaust manifold->cat->Y pipe->Big 3 1/2" tips.

If I had to do again I would run a flowmaster. Its annoying on long trips and people complain about it the back seat. But it does get alot of stares when an explorer sounds so badazz.

I think the 6 sounds like a boat even with the muffler on, was crusing around Fossil Rim wildlife park (on a safari in africa or as close to it as I can in Texas) putting around in 2nd gear to avoid riding the brakes and it sounded like an 2 stroke outboard boat in the distance.

I've heard a 2.9 with 40 series flows on it and it sounded very good at idle, but really rice-nasty sound reved up.

My 4.0 has a sharper sounding rev than say a 302 or any other V8, but definitely doesn't sound like a ricer. And I absolutely love sounding like a boat at idle lol.
