Torsion lift keys? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Torsion lift keys?

Torsion keys are a gimmick.
Whether you use a key, or crank the bolts in, all you're doing is preloading the spring for more lift. Torsion bars cannot add lift without adding preload.

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Oh ok I got ya I'm just gonna twist them a little rough ride is no big deal its a lifted truck not a ricer lol

I rebuilt my entire front suspension about 6 months ago. Put new everything in. I went with Tuff Country 1.25" lift keys, Rancho RS5000 1.5" longer shocks and a TT. Rides great. Not as bouncey as stock was. Lots of clearance now for 33" tires I'm planning on for fall I would recommend this setup to anyone. The keys weren't cheap tho. $300 tax incl here in canada after duty/shipping.
I've got about 20000km on truck since I did it and still rides great

Ok, so I just did a review on my Rancho RS5374 lifted shocks here:

Night and day difference. Don't waste money on keys since yes, they are the exact same thing as a torsion twist. And if you don't believe one of the owners of BTF then you're a dumbocks. These are also better than running shock spacers to make up the difference as they're valved differently and designed by Rancho specifically for torsion lifted Explorers and Rangers.

Wish I knew that earlier before I installed the bilstiens but my ride isn't that rough at all on pavement or trails bit I did lower me TT the next day since I still haven't gotten the bushings for these damn shackles

Are you replacing the spring eye bushings, or the frame to shackle, or all of them?
