TOUCAN: EURO-LIGHT CORNER | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ok if ya'll could please let me know what your thought are on this i would really appreciate it has any body ever even seen one of these before??
write back please

All they are is the Euro clear side markers . They mnt . on the fenders near the door seam . I had em' on a couple of my cars years back . They are universal , so I don't understand why they list for certain years or makes . You can wire em' to work in a few diff. ways . On constant w/ Headlights . On w/ H.L and blink w/ blinkers . On only w/ blinkers etc. If you've never seen em' look at European cars BMW, Volvo, VW they usually all have em' . You can buy em' @ Pep Boys , Auto Zone etc . Goodluck . Be prepared to drill some holes . :p

personally, i dont like them. it takes away from the clean smooth look of the vehicle; looks cheesy if you ask me.

I agree , they are outta style . On the Euro cars that they come stock on they look much cleaner , because they are worked into the fender :)

It may not look as clean but they do have some benefits. But here's my question. Do they turn on when the parking lights are on?? If so, then I don't want them because I only want them on when the turn signals are on, not the parking lights.

im pretty sure that it just depends on how you wire them up. if you want them to go on with your parking lights, you wire them to your parking lights. if you want them to go on with your turn signals, you wire them into your turn signals.

I am new in this forum somebody know where I can find online a clear corner lenses for explorer 1991?


iceman try Ebay
