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TPMS question


September 15, 2005
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2008 XLT
My Exp 2008 XLT does have the TPMS sign on dashboard but no sensors in the tires, can i just buy the sensors or i need other parts to have it working?

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You'll need to get the sensors programmed on the car. A programming tool is pretty cheap, or you can get a dealer to do it. Note that the sensors on the newest cars (2010 and later?) are different than the band-mounted sensors used on the 2008, and not compatible.


Its just the sensors that you'll need. I was quoted 50 bucks a wheel from America's Tire and decided its not worth 200 bucks for a computer to check my tire pressure when I can do it for about a buck with a tire gauge.

You'll need to get the sensors programmed on the car. A programming tool is pretty cheap, or you can get a dealer to do it. Note that the sensors on the newest cars (2010 and later?) are different than the band-mounted sensors used on the 2008, and not compatible.


So are there no aftermarket alternatives for the TPMS3 band modules? I have sensors on the stems (I can see the fitting) that came with my 06 Explorer when I bought it, but the Tire Pressure Fault light has come on since day one for me. Is there a chance they would work and just need to be pinged?

I think Ford screwed the pooch on these stupid band modules, especially seeing that they charge over $50 for the band alone! If I can get an aftermarket stem mounted module that will be compatiable, I'd rather do that.

Amazon says this one will work, but I'm not sure I want to trust them.|2006&carId=001&n=15684181&s=automotive

Anyone know?

It is the right frequency so it should work. It does state that a programming tool is required. However the price on that is about the same as the factory replacements sold at NAPA. I have never had a problem with the factory units, the only issue is that when replacing tires the tire shop needs to be careful to not break them.

So are there no aftermarket alternatives for the TPMS3 band modules? I have sensors on the stems (I can see the fitting) that came with my 06 Explorer when I bought it, but the Tire Pressure Fault light has come on since day one for me. Is there a chance they would work and just need to be pinged?

I think Ford screwed the pooch on these stupid band modules, especially seeing that they charge over $50 for the band alone! If I can get an aftermarket stem mounted module that will be compatiable, I'd rather do that.

Amazon says this one will work, but I'm not sure I want to trust them.|2006&carId=001&n=15684181&s=automotive

Anyone know?
Bands, much much cheaper than from Ford and reusable, too, are readily available. They are basically big pipe clamps. Look at American Muscle dot com for a source. You can reuse the module on your existing wheels or buy new ones, also at the same place. I got a whole new set...bands, modules, programming tool and even an install video on DVD for less than Ford would charge for one wheel...and these are Ford-branded modules, too!. Finally, there are now available the valve stem modules that are compatible with the original band modules.

Cheapest is to reuse your modules and just buy the new aftermarket bands and mounting holders.


Awesome, thanks! I'm not sure the original modules are in there. There are sensors on the stems though. I think that when the guy had the tires replaced, the shop either put in the wrong type of sensor after breaking the originals, or didn't properly program them. I'm going to see if they can be programed, if not, I'm going to that website. Thanks again, love this site.

Bands, much much cheaper than from Ford and reusable, too, are readily available. They are basically big pipe clamps. Look at American Muscle dot com for a source. You can reuse the module on your existing wheels or buy new ones, also at the same place. I got a whole new set...bands, modules, programming tool and even an install video on DVD for less than Ford would charge for one wheel...and these are Ford-branded modules, too!. Finally, there are now available the valve stem modules that are compatible with the original band modules.

Cheapest is to reuse your modules and just buy the new aftermarket bands and mounting holders.


Hey Vic:

I'm looking, but I'm only seeing stem mounted for 07-09. Is this what you used?
