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Trans Fluid


July 30, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Lubbock, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
My 94 manual trans calls for Motocraft Mercon fluid. I've heard synthetic is better. Can anyone tell me about the pros and cons about synthetic? What kind of synthetic should I use?

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im a huge fan of synthetic, but theres a problem, how to get the fluid out of hte torque converter. some early X's have a plug in the torque converter to get the fluid out, but my truck doesnt have it, so id have to get it power flushed out. some people say power flushing is bad for the tranny and some says its fine. personally i dont have the time to drive to the closest place around here to do it (and theres no way i would take my truck to the dealership for it.) not to mention that power flushing is expensive, so im just gonna put the mercon stuff in my tranny, actually im doing it next week.

heres the deal with all synthetics, they help longevity, but that doesnt mean that if you dont use synthetic stuff your truck is only gonna last a year, heh.

my advice, if you could do the synthetic swap, do it (with mobil 1 fluid), but if you cant do it, dont lose sleep over it.

a swap to synthetic is fine.... but like tbomb said, it may not be cost effective for is much better to change it with mercon @ the regular intervals than to neglect it or skip awhile with synthetic....


Your manual tranny will shift smoother and run cooler with synthetic. It should not take more than 2 or 3 quarts to replace the fluid. I recommend AMSOIL ATF. It will exceed all the Ford specs for the Mercon fluid and lasts 3 to 5 times longer.

I just did a change over to Mobil 1 synthetic fluid and have not had any problems on my 93. I changed out about 13 qts but did not change the pan and filter. I have 106K miles, bought my Explorer new and had the fluid changed by the dealer every 20-30K. Of course, those changes only involved 3-4 quarts in the pan and filter. Mike
