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Trans or T-case shot


Well-Known Member
March 9, 2004
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City, State
Lethbridge, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer Sport
:mad: My 97 sport has been making a banging sound from the drive line for a couple weeks now, and last night it stopped moving all together. It is now just making a loud grinding sound when it is in gear, not moving it at all. It sounds like it might be the transfer case, but I am thinking it might be the trans instead. Anyone else have this sort of experience? I would have thought that if my trans was going, it would have been slipping, more that the banging sound I was getting. Gunna have it towed this morning, but don't want to get screwed over by being told it needs a new trans or t-case, when it really doesn't. ANy suggestions. By the way, it is an automatic, of course

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What is the condition of the transmission fluid? Check it with the motor running. Does it move in any other position like Reverse and/or 1 or 2? The loud banging, did it only make it when you put the truck in a certain gear? Check your driveline. See if the driveshaft to the rear axle has a considerable amount of play in it.

I just got back from the transmission shop, and by what I have told them, they think it might be the t-case.

Blee, I checked the fluid and it seemed good. The banging sound was mostly happening on streets that were full of gradual dips. When going over a dip, or wave in the pavement, the bang would happen. That is when it was worst, but it also happened on fairly smooth surfaces as well, just not as much. Now, if it is in any gear, including reverse, it kind of grinds, and won't put any power to the wheels. I think the tranny is still sending power to the t-case, then it is slipping there. Does this sound like a regular t-case going **** up? Or will does it sound like the t-case I have is fixable. The shop is getting back to me this afternoon, so any knowledge I have before that would really help me out.

The verdict is in, need a seal kit, chain, range hub, range fork and an input shaft. Total cost with instal, 1500 Canadian. F*#k!

The verdict is in, need a seal kit, chain, range hub, range fork and an input shaft. Total cost with instal, 1500 Canadian. F*#k!

sounds like a trip to the junkyard is in order.


no, i went and paid for it. if i got one from the junk yard, my luck would turn it into a piece of sh#t too.
