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Trans rebuild 5r55e


September 19, 2009
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1998 Explorer XLT
I have a 98 SOHC Explorer. The trans is slipping in all gears, to the point that it will barely move in any gear. But I do have reverse and forward gears but it takes a lot to get it moving.

From what I know, my wife drove it to work the other night and said the O/D light was flashing but eventually stopped. She works 30 miles away and that night she had to go to different store that is also 30 miles away. So in all she put on 120 miles that night total after the flashing O/D light problem. I went to drive it yesterday and it seemed fine for the first 1/2 mile. Then it wouldn't shift right, I was running 2500rpm at 40 mph. I stopped right away and tried to turn around but it would barely move in reverse unless I gave it a lot of gas. After making it back home the first thing I did was check the fluid level which was fine but I did it does smell slightly burnt. Oh by the way the truck has 178k miles on it and I did a filter and fluid change last summer. Anyway this is her transportation to and from work and we are now down to one vehicle.

So where should I start to look? I have been reading and reading many post on here about different issues with these transmissions. A lot of good article but after reading so many I'm still not sure what I should start with. I am very mechanically inclined and have only ever taken vehicles in to have auto trannys rebuilt. I thing I would like to give this a shot if that is what is needed. But before I go pulling it I would like to figure out if is something else. I tried to pull the codes with my obd II scanner but came up with nothing.

And if it comes down to a rebuild what if any specialty tools would I need to perform this correctly.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Same problem here.

Same problem here, just saw the O/D light blinking Friday on the way to the wifes ultrasound, on the way home about 10 miles, it started to rev without applying power to the wheels. I pulled over checked the fluid level which was ok, but the fluid smelled burnt. After I turned it off then on again and it started to drive ok, so I continued the 8 mile trip home, after a couple miles it started slipping again. I was near the dealer, so I deceided to let them take a look at it and quote me an estimate.

Mine is a 2002 Sport trac 4.0Land 5R55E, with only 67,000 on it.

They came back with $3,500 for a rebuilt tranning and labor.

I have rebuilt the tranny in my old 66 mustang with a C4 fairly easy to do, figured with the miles on it that it was worth it while i had the engine out to rebuild it.

I would say the C4 is much simpler than this beast, but will work in it myself.

I am not sure where to start, but I think first off dropping the pan to take a quick look is my best bet, I figure it may be a blown VB gasket, but not sure at this time, if so it shouldn't be too hard to fix it.


Dave keep me up to date with what you find. I will be digging into mine later tonight. I'm going to drop the pan and see what I find. That is if I can get the exhaust off. I have a friend coming over with a professional obd II scanner to see if he can pull any codes. My cheap one didn't find anything besides o2 sensor problem.

I have found a replacement trans at the local salvage yard for $400. Should I just go this route or just rebuild the one I have?

We had our baby early, and I haven't gotten back to the truck yet. Don't have the need for 3 cars at once, so it was put on the back burnner for the moment.

I also found one at the junk yard for $300 and was wondering on that route also. I think for the moment to drop the valve body and find out what is really wrong, (most likely a blown gasket) if so it should be a quick fix, and if not it may work till this spring. I can then go get the $300 dollar tranny at the boneyard, and rebuild it, then swap it out.

First get the code (s) read with a good scanner that reads GEM codes and them go from there. You are jumping to conclusions without facts. A pressure test maybe the next step if a code is not found.
