Transfer case options with a C4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfer case options with a C4


Only rolled it once honey
May 1, 2000
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Culloden, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 4d OHV
I picked up a C4 from an EB today....for free! Just needs rebuilt. What are my options? I know a D20??

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Look at advance adapters website in the Early Bronco C4 section. The 4x4 C4 version only came in that truck. Be leary of t-case width though, most of your major fullsize cases may or maynot fit between your framerails comfortably.

Np231. np241, dana 300, Toyota minitruck, toyota landcruiser, ranger plus I'm sure alot more. There are tons of adapter made for it from places like Advance novak and more.

I used the stock 1354 that came with my Gen1.
Haven't broke it yet.
I used the original mounting points.
No need to shorten or lenghten anything.

Really? It bolted right up? I was hoping to it would fit, but i never found anything that said it did. That's great news. Did you have to modify your crossmember?

AA made a tail extension for the C4.
You could get it in 3 different lengths.
I had an article that they did on a Ranger or BII.
Let me look around my garage to see if I still have it.
Or the receipts for the extension.
It used all of the existing mounting points.
When I had my trans built in Riverside the owner didn't even know of the extension.
He would just shorten the already short front driveshaft.
I will look tonight.

the earlier Ranger and BII that was equipped with the C5 trans used a BW1350 T case, so to this version of the C4/C5 it will bolt up.
The C4 must be fitted with the 4x4 output shaft and tail housing I believe, then ost Ford 5 bolt cases should be able to work.

This is good, i'm still learning all this old Ford stuff, lol

I got the tranny today. Are all these old C4s for 2wd's? This one is anyways. I also thought they were a floor shift, but this ain't. How do i rig this up then? I know a guy that has a lot of parts for B2's, i think i may ask him if he has a C5.

Hey that IS good to know! Any way the C4 will bolt up to a 4.0 SOHC? Any adaptors or anything avaliable?

I remember doug904 saying with the newer (98+) OHV motors, that the C5/C4 hybrid will need a special flywheel to bolt up. This is probably the case with the SOHC... as far as i know nobody makes this flywheel, its something you would have to have custom made for you.

A c5 could be made to bolt up to a SOHC

A C5 bellhousing is what you need to put a C4 behind a 2.8, 2.9, or 4.0L OHV.
You will need the output shaft and tail housing from the C5 also to use it as a 4x4.

You have MANY options for running a C4 with a floor shifter or even slight mods to the explorer column shifter can be made to work.

I am not sure what other 4x4's the C4 came in, if any, but if you want a 4x4 with a C4 you will need a 4x4 version of the C4. Typically then entire transmission must come apart to swap the output shaft. I am no expert on the C4 this is all based on memory and what I know about other 2wd transmissions. I would confirm this with the "experts" or your trans builder.

The C5 was in 2.8L powered Rangers and BII's for a few years before Ford added the aluminum OD unit and it became the A4LD.

All of these trans are based on the old Ford Pinto C3 auto.
A C4 can be built to take alot of HP and there is also a reverse manual valve body available from Art Carr. This would be an AWESOME setup behind a 4.0L.

410Fortune said:
You have MANY options for running a C4 with a floor shifter or even slight mods to the explorer column shifter can be made to work.

I wish this had a plate on top i could unbolt to put a shifter in!

You do, or should, under your console and carpet.

I made a new one when I went 5.0L because my original BII access panel had already been hacked up for the old A4LD floor shifter, took all of an hour max.

No, i meant in the C4!

ah I see just use a cable operated shifter..... You cant put a 5 speed shifter in a C4 silly.

Art Carr makes a wicked console mount shifter for most applications (and a reverse manual valve body, hint hint)

410Fortune said:
(and a reverse manual valve body, hint hint)

I had Ken from Mogi Transmissions build mine.
Said I would never hurt the trans with my little 4.0.

dose any one still have the d20 transfer case I am also in need of one

I got mine off ebay. It took about a month of looking to find one resonably priced, but that was better than paying new part prices for a 40 year old part. Shipping was also a little high, but again it was worth it.
