Transmission filter and pan gasket - pulling my hair out | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission filter and pan gasket - pulling my hair out

Yep the transmission builder cleaned the cooler and told me to install after the filter just in case there is stuff in the cooler still
I followed his instructions lol

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That's how I routed mine, to protect the coolers if anything happens. If a transmission burns up, it's smart to replace the cooler, the radiator also, or else install a filter after the coolers, to protect the trans.
I had my trans replaced at 135K.

Maybe I should buy a new cooler.

I replaced the cooler hoses two years ago because they were leaking.
Looking at this photo again, I'm thinking I want a new cooler.


  • Transmission Cooler.JPG
    Transmission Cooler.JPG
    249.4 KB · Views: 63

My external filter is after the cooler too.

I had my trans replaced at 135K.

Maybe I should buy a new cooler.

You're fine after this long, and these coolers are sturdy and rarely would leak. I'd put the external filter in the line to the radiator cooler, to keep any future material out of them. The hoses deform at the ends from the clamps, so just cut off about an inch of each hose end.

The hoses will last a long time, but maybe 20 years is a good time to change them if you run across some good pressure hose.
