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Transmission Maintenance


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Newtown, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer XLT
Hey guys

I purchased my car used at 120000 and now it has 145000, I have not changed any fluids or oil in the tranny since the purchase of the truck and I'm going to start towing a boat 1 or 2 times a week soon. What are the things that I have to do to it to make it last longer? Should I flush it? and what is the best oil/fluid to use?
BTW this tranny has been rebuilt by the last owner

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Use Mercon V ATF or full synthetic. Install a transmission cooler, external filter, and a transmission gauge. The plate & fin coolers are more efficient than their tube & fin counter parts. Don't tow uphill in overdrive.

Use Mercon V ATF or full synthetic. Install a transmission cooler, external filter, and a transmission gauge. The plate & fin coolers are more efficient than their tube & fin counter parts. Don't tow uphill in overdrive.

thats for your reply

I have a stock cooler, should I add another one also?

It might be a good idea to add that heavy duty cooler. AlDive added something called a cooler collar which is an aluminum heat sink that goes around the external filter to lower the temperature by 4 degrees. Another thing they make is a deep transmission pan which holds 3 quarts, and has cooling tubes going through it. They are very expensive (about $200-$300).

It might be a good idea to add that heavy duty cooler. AlDive added something called a cooler collar which is an aluminum heat sink that goes around the external filter to lower the temperature by 4 degrees. Another thing they make is a deep transmission pan which holds 3 quarts, and has cooling tubes going through it. They are very expensive (about $200-$300).

I tried finding Mercon V ATF online but I can't find it, what company is it made by Mobil? and is this something that I can do at home or should I give it to a shop to do?
