Transmission Sluggishness Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission Sluggishness Question


Explorer Addict
May 24, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Frisco, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Limited
Hello all,

I was curious if anybody else has experienced this:

When ever we mash the pedal to get the transmission to kick down a gear or two (such as passing someone on the freeway), the transmission shifts gears quickly, the engine revs, but it seems like the power doesn't come on right away. The sensation is that after the downshift, the car doesn't start speeding up until a few moments later when the car starts to pull. I liken it to massive turbo lag, with the engine spinning up, but then power comes on in a rush after a delay (the delay being a full second or two).

Sometimes it isn't as bad as others, but there is always this delay. I haven't felt this type of thing in a car before and didn't know if it was unique to the Ex or something is goofy with our car (possibly related to the transmission noise/whine we have that can never be reproduced by the dealership, lol).


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I recently ordered a '14 Sport. I really wanted a Limited but when I test drove a few of them I experienced the same thing as you. Living on MT, I need a vehicle that can pass safely at highway speeds. I was very disappointed with the lack of passing power and reponsiveness. I am coming from an '11 SHO but the deference was unbelieveable. I even tried manually down shifting to third gear before passing but the Limited was still a dog. My guess is that Ford is so concerned about MPG, that the gearing is too high and the transmission programming actually prevents high RPM responsiveness.

Vincel et al:::It just may be a factor (feature) of the way you or family members drive. These transmissions have a "adaptive learning" capability. Meaning if you drive very gentle and light on the throttle, most of the time, that is the way the trans computer reacts, or thinks you want to drive. If you drive more vigorous, you will find it reacts with more positive shifts, downshifts and responsiveness. This relearn does not just happen overnight, it developes from a continued learning process. So, since most people drive conservative most of the time (normal driving) it can get pretty unresponsive. The quick fix, is to disconnect the battery, under the hood, let it sit a short time, maybe 10 minutes, and then reconnect. (This is not the same as doing a master reset on the FMT screen)...This clears and starts the learning sequence over, so you can train it anyway you want.....This is fairly common in the 2011+ Mustangs with an automatic that also has adaptive learning, and often described by those who are disturbed by the high performance vehicle seeming to loose performance for no reason...and the fix is as above....Keep in mind though, this master reset, can loose some data on the FMT screen, and you should also follow the idle re-learn procedures......Most all of this is in the regards Plum

Thanks Plum. I didn't even consider that the adaptive nature of the tranny could be a factor. I would still like to think that when the computer sees a throttle position that is aggressive that the tranny would be smart enough to override any learning and get things going as an emergency situation might be at hand. I'll bug the service guys next time the Ghost is in for an oil change.

I experienced this as well but thought it was the car's way to be fuel efficient. Good to know that if I drive aggressively, at some point it will know that's what I want.

In some cars these days, there's a quick manual change from sport mode to normal mode which changes the steering throttle response. Maybe the new Explorers will have that...

I too have experienced this in my '13 base. Most of the time, the wife drives the thing, and she drives it smoothly. I drove it the other day, smashed the gas pedal, and it took a second for it to get going. It does feel like massive turbo lag. However I'm pretty sure its in the way the Transmission control module "learns" and "adapts" to the way tou drive. It's an odd feeling. I have a 2011 Ford Focus that is my daily driver and never experience this. Of course, that car is only putting out 140hp, not the 290 the explorer is putting out.

I would have to agree that it is because of the adaptive learning. I have a 2013 Limited and when I first got it I was babying it and noticed this and I was not very happy about it either. Once I started driving a little more "aggressively" and put some highway miles on it this went away. I very rarely experience this now. I previously had an 03 and 09 Ex with V8s and also had the same situation.

Welcome to ECU torque management. The ECU scales back engine torque during shifts and gradually increases are the shift. Since it gradually ramps back after a shift this can create what feels like bad turbo lag. I assume this is for longevity of the transmission. A simple tune made all the difference. Aside from the power increase on my sport, I think it was worth it for just the removal/reduction of the torque management system and modified shift points.

Thanks for all of the replies folks! :)

I would still feel more comfortable knowing that the engine would deliver max power as quickly as possible when I wanted it, not the computer...

Welcome to ECU torque management. The ECU scales back engine torque during shifts and gradually increases are the shift. Since it gradually ramps back after a shift this can create what feels like bad turbo lag. I assume this is for longevity of the transmission. A simple tune made all the difference. Aside from the power increase on my sport, I think it was worth it for just the removal/reduction of the torque management system and modified shift points.

I think this is the main cause. I havent had this problem for passing, but I have felt the "holdback " at lower speeds. Sand mode seems to have less restrictions then normal.

Can we reset the learning? I bought mine with 12K miles on it. I used to reset my ecu in another car and would love to do this to my Ex.

Can we reset the learning? I bought mine with 12K miles on it. I used to reset my ecu in another car and would love to do this to my Ex.

Sure you can, just do what was suggested in one of the earlier replies. Unplug your battery for a few minutes and it will reset. Of course the mft memory will also be erased - meaning that saved points and personalizations will need to be redone. Read up carefully and know what you are getting into before resetting that way.

2013 Transmission slipping? SAFTEY CONCERN

I own a 2013 limited Ex and have been having some weird problems that no one seems to be able to diagnose. Usually upon acceleration, every once in a while, it feels like my transmission slips into neutral and then goes back into gear and resumes acceleration. I think I can relate it to happening whenever my A/C is on but I am not 100% sure. When it happens, the car revs loudly. I have brought it in to my dealership and they are telling me that no one else has this problem which I do not believe as I have friends with other Fords, not the same car however, that have this happen to them. This has been dangerous for me as there have been times where, I was either almost rear ended and on time, I was pulling out onto a busy one lane road and almost got hit when I couldn't accelerate fast enough. THIS IS A SAFTEY CONCERN in my opinion and I am not feeling safe driving this vehicle. I have had other issues with my car from the beginning right from the factory (i.e. window motors, etc) but never have I felt like me or my family was in danger but I do now. I am wondering if there is anyone else here having this problem???

Are you able to reproduce the issue if you try to?
If so take the tech for a drive and show them.
Possibly you need to see another dealer right away, who is more experienced or more willing to listen.
Assuming you are under warranty and all ...

Check your car for recalls in the Ford Owner site, or look here for at the Ford Ex 2013 TSB list and see if any appy...


Vehicle: 2013 Ford Explorer
Nature of Defect:
Bulletin Number:
Bulletin Date:
May 2013

I own a 2013 limited Ex and have been having some weird problems that no one seems to be able to diagnose. Usually upon acceleration, every once in a while, it feels like my transmission slips into neutral and then goes back into gear and resumes acceleration. I think I can relate it to happening whenever my A/C is on but I am not 100% sure. When it happens, the car revs loudly. I have brought it in to my dealership and they are telling me that no one else has this problem...

Hi rellyrooly,

As LukerDooker suggested, I recommend taking your tech along for a test drive so you can demonstrate what you're experiencing. You're also welcome to get a second opinion at a different Ford Dealership. I'm happy to get your regional customer service manager involved; just PM me your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, mileage, and preferred servicing dealership.


I am not able to replicate it. I never know when it is going to happen. It happens at the most random times. I have driven the car with a tech and couldn't get it to happen. They did tell me at the dealership that they really need to get me the data recorder and put it on the car but the problem is, that that there is only one data recorder for the whole dealership and that there is a long waiting list. Another problem is, that I only get to use it for a few days (as there is a waiting list) and if it doesn't happen while I have it, I'm out of luck. I feel as though Ford should send the dealership a data recorder for them to put on my specific car that I can use until the car replicates the problem. I can't make this happen; the car has a mind of its own. I also just had another problem yesterday...while sitting at a red light and foot on the brake, my car LURCHED forward as the a/c compressor came on. This wasn't just a little lurch, this was huge and I almost couldn't control it. It wasn't the normal power surge you feel with a/c. This was different and it hasn't happened again since. Something strange is going on and I am at the point where I am thinking about getting rid of this vehicle. Crystal, I have spoken to Ford customer service and didn't get anywhere. My regional representative seems to have changed recently and the new one wasn't too interested in helping in my opinion. I will PM you my info.

I have had on occasion where it seems to slip before it finds the right upshifted gear, but I have found a way to bypass all that lag..........I'm not sure that all Explorers have Select Shift, but all I do is pull the shifter back to S mode and tap the button on the side of the shifter two or three times and away I go. No lag.
