Transmisson Fluid Flush/Change? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmisson Fluid Flush/Change?


September 23, 2013
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Explorer Sportrack'03XLT
My fellow Ford loyalist,
My ST got 154 thousand miles.
They recommended a transmission fluid flush at the garage the other day.
I have heard conflicting opinions about performing this type of service
I already did it once when I first got the truck more than 50 thousand miles ago.
What do you guys think?
Thank you

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I would say not to do it. Buy a new filter and gasket and replace the 5 or so quarts that come out with some Mobil1 Synthetic ATF, drive it for another regular oil change and do it again. You also may consider adding a larger extra trans cooler and an external trans filter. I haven't done those yet, but I am going to soon. These things should all help you get the maximum life out of the 5R55E.

Simply do a filter and fluid change, NO flush. We've lost a couple members lately that did the flush and the trans killed over within 2-10k miles. they ended up selling their ST's instead of rebuilding the trans, I don't blame them. I'll be doing a full drivetrain swap over to a V8/C6/doubler? and manual transfercase. Also doing a SAS though so I have too much money tied up in the truck to just sell it off.

Thank you!
Your opinion is certainly appreciated. A bit scary thinking I am risking the tranny: this got me thinking if I should do it at all. Like I said, id did it 50K miles ago and I got lucky.
Do you think the benefit here outweighs the risk?
Thank you !

Thank you Galactica! Makes a lot of sense.
What is the regular mileage between ATF fluid changes?

Thank you for your reply: That makes a lot of sense.

I would definetly get a new filter and fluid, just do a simple drain and filter change. Nothing more. Some members that have bad trans leaks with high miles just keep the fluid up by adding fluid as needed.
