Tricky question about 4x4 front axle removal and swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tricky question about 4x4 front axle removal and swap


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2003
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2008 XLT Ironman
This probably sounds pretty funny to most people here since most people remove a 2wd axle to put on a 4wd, but I want to ditch my 4x4 axle and transfer case and go 2wd. No, I don't want to simply buy a 2wd explorer, I just want to see what I might be getting into. :D

Anyway, I just want to know if it's as simple as getting a junkyard 2wd front end and swapping it out with my 4wd axle or if there are any surprises or "gotchas" that I might have to deal with.

Also, the output shaft on my trans, obviously it was designed to fit into the transfer case...however can I use the driveshaft from a 2wd explorer and have it hook right up or am I looking at getting something custom made or modifying the stock part?

Lastly, I know that the speedo cable feeds into the transfer case....if I ditch the transfer case obviously I need to hook it up somewhere else....any ideas on that?

Lots of questions and I admit I didn't do a ton of searching but hopefully someone will have some insight on this. Thanks in advance!


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A 4X4 trans has a different tail shaft and tail housing. The housing will swap (same trans), but to swap the shaft you have to dissasemble the trans and start all over (first piece to go in). Thats true of automatics, I have never worked on a standard.

Either that or replace the 4X4 one with a 4X2. Then ditch the t-case and use the 4X2 rear driveshaft.

I have no idea about swapping the front end. I would assume all the suspension is completely different. Any way you go about it, its major work.

its not that bad to do but there is alot to consider.
You will need to convert the back of your transmission to the 2wd output shaft and tailhousing, this will require taking your trans apart if its an auto.

The 2wd suspension will bolt up to your truck

HOwever for a project like this instead of getting bits and pieces and trying to get it together it is FAR better to use a complete 2wd donor.

Now with that said I suggest you do a search over at the 2wd off road mecca:

However 4x4 is ALWAYS better.

Also dont forget there will be some wiring and to do it right you should remoeve the electric shift 4x4 system and wiring from your truck, again the best way to do this is to get the entire 2wd donor, or all the parts you will need from one truck

Why do you want to ditch it?

hehe, the inevitable question...why?

I don't use my truck for off roading anymore....I've been building it up to be fast on the street. That being the case, I was looking at doing it for weight reduction and reducing drivetrain power losses.

So how is the 2wd auto trans different? Is it shorter/longer? If it is shorter then that isn't a problem because my 700r4 has a tailshaft adapter that makes it long enough to bolt up to the transfer case and I could just take that adapter off. Which would leave me with the problem of getting a new output shaft put on but that's not a huge deal i guess.

I'll check out that site...thanks for the info!


Talk to Boomin -- he has already done the swap on his mounty. It turned out nice and I haven't heard him complain yet. Good luck


On the 700r4 the output shaft is a a short shaft so you to get a 2wd shaft and tailhousing for the 700r4. You're probably going to need a custom driveshaft or atleast have a 2wd driveshaft modified for the correct yoke and length. However it may just be cheaper to have a new one made.

YOU might even look in your area for somebody with a 2wd Ex or ranger that wants to do the opposite.........yes yes I know please hold your applause
I am in a goofy mood sorry

I thought about that....good idea.

If nothing else I will pretty much give away the 4wd parts once I've done the swap if anyone in the eastern NC area wants to pick them up.

I thought that since the 700r4 isn't really a 4wd specific trans then I could just remove the transfer case adapter (an advance adapters part) and use the transmission in that configuration.

If the output shaft needs a custom made driveshaft and yoke setup anyway then I don't see why they couldn't just adapt it to the transfer case output shaft too.....but that may not be possible for various reasons...I'm just guessing here.

Okay I am not familiar witht he 700R4 that much, however you dont need to purchase the AA adapter for it if you do not plan to use your t case. the only adapter you need is the 4.0L to 700R4 not the 700r4 to T case.

When you buy a 700R4 get a 2wd version and you will be fine. You will only need to modify or get a custom driveshaft.

when you take the 4x4 adapter and tailshaft off a transmission in order to make it 2wd, you cannot just bolt up the d shaft, you must add the 32wd tailshaft and housing, this gives you the flange/yoke to bolt the driveshaft to.

Not to high-jack the thread here but I've got the same ?s as MaximumViolence.

You guys are sayin that since my 92 is already sittin on jacks with nothing even close to a front axle under it other then some custom leaf spring hangers I could buy me some 2wd Explorer beams that are 4" wider per side and everything would bolt up??? Just wondering cause I've been thinkin about going that way since I've already got one with the SAS already done.

I dunno derek to tell you the truth, I have heard both they are the same and they are different, I have never really looked at a 2wd Ex so I dont know.
Your best bet would be to check at are guys over there doing this all the time, but I am not sure if the 2wd beams just bolt to the 4wd axle pivot brackets, or you have to replace the brackets or what but I can tell you the frames and engine cradles are the same, so in theory if you get enough parts fromthe donor, it should work.
I would LOVE to build a 2wd Ranger or Ex...and I might :)

Guess I should look around at dezertrangers since I'm a member over there too. Yeah I run the pit crew with a class 10 buggy here from twin and I kinda got the bug after actually driving the thing last year. I just wanna do some wide beams with coil-overs and then link the rear and call it good. :thumbsup:

oh yeah its just that simple :) hahahaha dont forget about the engine cage, cab cage, and bed cage :)

Well first things first guy. Gotta atleast get the beams in there. :D

well here is my input. Since this is about first gens im not too sure but I have played with both 2wd and 4wd. The beams bolt up exactly the same. All you need to get is the beams, rotors and misc parts on the wheels end. Now on the tranny you need to swap the tailshaft to accept a driveshaft instead of a transfer case. Withh the 700 I beleive the whole tranny needs to be dropped. You have to dissasemble the whole tranny to change the output. Get a driveshaft from a truck with a 2wd 700r4 and you can make a driveshaft work. Rememebr you cannot use one from a 2wd X because the splines are probibly not right.

-Now if you need help with a second gen, I can walk you though that bolt for bolt

Thanks for all the info everyone....I think for now I'll just disconnect the front driveshaft and swap the front axle and just leave the transfer case in place. I really don't want to drop the 700r4 out of there until I research a bit more and find out exactly what will work. Thanks again though!


When did you install the 700R4?

Derrick, the passenger side TTB pivot bracket is different on the 2wd, but that's it.

I got my fix mister.........83-87 Ford F-150 forged beams. Direct swap allowing 6" of lift and 18" coil-overs. The guy fixed me up with AutoFab. John over there has been a HUGE help so far.

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I cant say enough about John at Autofab, he may be pricey and opinionated, but he sure knows his stuff.....he hooked me up huge when I got my glass from him, saved me $300+ shipping
