Troubles With Auto Locking Hubs! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Troubles With Auto Locking Hubs!


New Member
April 3, 2006
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City, State
Rochester, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
Ok, so here's the story...

I am new to the 4x4 Industry, 1st 4x4 is my 1994 Ford Explorer XLT. I turned on the 4 wheel drive and proceeded to go through some mud, while going through I saw that the front wheels weren't spinning, only the rears. I brought the truck back to my house and jacked up all four wheels to see if the front would spin. The didn't spin in 4x4 or Low Range. So I looked under neath to see that a bolt was missing on the vacum line. First question, are they air lines or liquid lines? Next question, I have a new bolt... before I install it, what do I need to do. And Third question, will this cause both wheels to stop spinning (I'm quessing both lines run off the same vacum?)

Please respond ASAP as I wish to get my 4 wheel drive fixed so I can have some more fun!

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Not sure what vac line or bolt to which you are referring; vac lines don't hold liquid I can tell you that much. :)

Front wheels not turning in 4x4? Could be transfer case shift motor (common problem). Could be blown up auto hubs. I'd take apart the hubs and see if anything is out-of-place or broken in there. The plastic cams tend to break or wear in the auto hubs. Also inspect the axleshafts and make sure you didn't break a u-joint up there. That will stop your front wheels very quickly.

First of all, narrow it down a little further:

"I brought the truck back to my house and jacked up all four wheels to see if the front would spin."

Do that again and see if the drive shaft to the front is spinning. If so, then see which front axle is spinning. If the axle is spinning the whole way out to the wheel, then that side has a bad auto locking hub. If your going to do a lot of off-roading, it would be smart to switch to manual hubs (they are more durable, and you can convert for less than the new price of 1 auto hub. If you want to stay with auto hubs, I just bought a set on ebay for my 1993 (new one's are waaayyyy too expensive). I got the set for $60.00, and only needed one. They were both in excellent condition. Just make sure the spindle parts come with them, there is a plastic piece on the spindle that has a habit of breaking. I could take pictures of what the parts look like so you know what is bad on yours.


If the front drive shaft is NOT spinning, then the problem is not the front differential or the hubs. You will need to start checking the transfer case, 4wd switch, shift motor, etc... There are plenty of threads here for 4wd problems.

Let's get this far, then we'll discuss the vacuum line you're talking about.

custom can you put some pic up of the auto hub?
I have one that is gone and i have to that it off but do not know what to look for in there. is that lil plastic piece in the cap for the auto hub or on the drive shaft ?

Did the Light on the Dash switch Light up when you pushed it for 4 WD?

If it didn't light, chances are the Transfer Case Motor needs fix'n. SEARCH on TRANSFER CASE and you will get tons of stuff on this little gem of a Ford idea.

If it didi then follow CUSTOM20AJ steps to see where the disengagement is.

Thanks for the replies

First of all I would like to thank you for the replies, and so quickly. I checked last night to see if the driveshaft was spinning, the passenge side was. And I know vacum lines don't hold liquid I just wanted to make sure that they were, in fact, vacum lines. I called the local ford dealer, sat on the phone for an hour while they searched through parts, and they said they think I am looking at an ABS sensor, and that the wire looks like a vacum line, so this could be. Still, I need the bolt. I think I am going to take it in there today or tomorrow just to see if they can tell me what the heck is wrong for free?

Let me know if you have any suggestions

The Locking of the Hubs is all mechanical Nothing to do with Solenoids or Vacuum lines.

Whne you push the button on the Dash, It engages the Transfer Case. As you roll forward the transfercase now causes the Front Driveshaft to turn, The driveshaft goes into the Axle Housing and turns the Pinion Gear that turns the Ring Gear that makes the Axles turn, Whne the axles turn it causes the Hubs to shift and lock.

That's why we are asking if anything is turning when you engage the Transfer case.

passenger side driveshaft? the driveshaft for the front would be coming from the transfer case to the front pass/driver side involved.

Go easy on him, Bender, we knew he meant the passenger side front axle. It is good to teach proper terminology, though.

"custom can you put some pic up of the auto hub?
I have one that is gone and i have to that it off but do not know what to look for in there. is that lil plastic piece in the cap for the auto hub or on the drive shaft ?"

I'd be glad to take some pictures for you, but I can't post pictures here. If you PM me your e-mail address, I can e-mail them to you. Or if someone that has rights to post PM's me, I'll gladly e-mail them pictures for useful threads.

Possibly better yet, go here:

and look for these words:

There is a plastic/steel inner Hub assembly... there is a spring garter around it. and it can be tough to get back on (I have a secret that makes it easy)
Here I am using a pick to show how it can move on the spindle...

The picture below those words show the plastic piece (it looks metal with all the grease on it). It is the outer piece with the spring garter on top of it. Later he shows a better picture while he is holding it in his hand. That's what was broken on mine. I have read many threads here that state to only grease it lightly, or use ATF fluid.

You could also tear apart the other side and look at it for differences. I also tore the cap apart to see what was in there (it was easy, only one c-clip holding it together. It is a little tougher to put back together, though, with the spring resistance).

The point is, the hubs can be bought fairly cheap on e-bay (just do a search for "auto hub"), but if you need the parts on the spindle (axle), make sure the seller is offering them as well, by asking the seller a question.

Screw It

Well, I had been thinking about this ever since I bought this vehicle... I am switching over to some new Warn hubs on saturday or sunday, I'd rather have locking hubs anywho. Any advice for me before I start this project?

I checked into them, but my wife wanted to stick with the auto hubs (it's her vehicle). It doesn't look too hard, and the auto parts stores knew what I needed (the manual hubs and conversion kit).

There's threads on here showing the conversion if you have any problems (I don't think you will, the warn parts come with good instructions).
