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Truckhaven 2002 Discussion

We usually do two day runs and a night run each day. The first run starts at 9am.

I hope you can make it even if only for a short time!


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Two things of interest:

I talked to the guys at work about the RCD coilover Ranger coming out and they said that the front end isn't even on the truck right now cause they are creating jigs for the manufacturing. So needless to say, It won't be there.

I just got back from Ocotillo Wells which is about a 25 minute dirt bike ride from Truckhaven. I was out this weekend with my bike, anyways.... Last night I met an older couple in a SWEET CJ5 and they asked if I had seen any Green Peace activist out there. I hadn't, (onestly in the 16 years I've gone out there I've never seen any eco people) but they said that they were over on Heart Attack Hill and Green Peace had set up camp right in the middle of the trail at the top of the hill. They said they were threating all the off roaders and everything. Anyways, they also said that they were planning on going to Truckhaven because they knew the CORVA run was going on and that some WEB Page group had a large run planned. I asked if they knew if they were refering to the Explorer page but they didn't know. Soooo that's got me wondering if we're going to have a run in with Green Peace people. Kinda crazy to think about them monitoring this page. I know the monitor ORC and the Glamis-Dunes page.

Just thought I'd let you guys know.

OMG... jsut what we need. I didn't need to hear that :(

Originally posted by sirhk100

but they said that they were over on Heart Attack Hill and Green Peace had set up camp right in the middle of the trail at the top of the hill. They said they were threating all the off roaders and everything.

Well, if that is the case, When Ray H. leads his run over there, he can use all his radios to call the park rangers to come clear a legal open trail.

Anyways, looks like I will make it Rick, at least for the morning, and depending on how tired I am, maybe for an afternoon run. Who knows, maybe I'll come out Monday too and catch the leftovers. See you guys out there.


Don't mean to step on toes, but I edited some posts. I don't want this thread to drop down to their level.

We're there to have a good time and enjoy the outdoors not to fight or get involved in any trouble.


No problem

it's all good Rick. I was just kidding anyhow. Man, I really wish i could attend but got school to attend to. Take lots of pictures.

I have run the Pinion Moutain trail 4 time now and the only thing I have done is damaged my truck (that is where Diff Whack Daddy comes from) and left paint on a few rocks. It is a trail that is authorized and I learned more about the history the area on that trail (thanks to Ray H) than on any other trail. Can't we all just get along:)

I informed CORVA about the possibility of Green Peace being out there. He hadn't heard anything about this until now. He invited us to their poker run, but I told him we have our own stuff going on.

I do have an idea though. CORVA is the California Offroad Vehicle Association and they help fight to keep our riding areas open. I thought it would be nice if we took up a donation on Saturday night and gave all the proceeds to CORVA for help in their legal battles.

Just keep this in mind and if you have a few bucks you could throw into the collection that would be great.

Well, this is the last time I will be able to post or even look at the internet until I get to t-haven.

Char, try not to forget the crock pot. And anyone wants to e-mail me any pertinent info about the trip or the thread you can send it to me at

We will have intermittent sattelite service for e-mails so go ahead and send me the good stuff.

:D SEE YOU ALL IN 5 DAYS:bounce:

Sounds good Kevin have a good trip and we'll see you this weekend. The crockpot is already in the garage with the rest of our stuff.


Looks like I've been able to keep the weekend clear for T-Haven. So, I'm planning on being there either Friday evening or Sat. morning before the first run.

See you all there.

Great idea Rick about collecting donations for the cause. :thumbsup: Count me in. See you guys real soon.

Tom Fakrwee

I didn't see what Ridk edited but keep in mind that this is always a public forum and anything typed in here tends to be open for use by anyone. I know the page found a bunch of their users replies quoted on a eco page and it opened their eyes to be a little more responsible about what they write. I'm sure it'll be all fine out there. It's our land as much as it's their land. The couple I spoke with did feel a little threatened because it was them and one other jeep in their group but their tends to be safety in numbers. Anyways, I guarentee you they will not spoil our fun. Worse case senario we figure out how to move over to Ocotillo Wells or something where it's an actual OHV park.

Excellent idea on the donation Rick!! CORVA is a group that definately dedicates a lot of time and effort to keep the lands open to all enthusists (sp?) like dirt bikes, buggies, jeeps, etc....


I for one, feel everyone in this Country has the right to complain, or protest the actions of another if they don't agree with what they are doing. But it's my right as an American to completely ignore them, and not be harrassed by misguided people.

I also refuse to allow someone to try and stop me from enjoying public lands in a legal manner, or bothering me while I'm doing it. And yes, there is a law against blocking an established trail by camping, parking on it, etc.

I am still looking forward to a great time with everyone. I will be leaving around 0900 for an 1100 arrival time on Thursday.


Get that fire burning and bring the longjons, weather man says getting down to about 33 degrees Friday night but sunny all weekend with highs in the upper 60's.

just got a box of 3 hour logs from safeway...and about 20 bucks in steak, a bunckh of bbq suace and a heck of a lot of munchies and juices and water and cups and platic utensils... i cant wait!!!!!! i plan on leaving about 10 pm tommorow night even though it is only a 9 hour drive....i figure on a nap every 2 hours or so... will get me there around noon on thursday.... what radio channel are we on?
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: ;) ;) ;) :) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :chug: :chug: :chug: :chug: :usa: :usa: :usa: :usa: :exporange :exporange :exporange :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

erg....the directions i have dont say anything about north marina drive... where is that?????? my last direction is merge onto CA-111 South!!!!!!!!!!! can someone see if they can get me some better directions from fremont, CA???????!!!!!!!!

Ok, take I-10 to 111 Which is in Indio.

There is a new freeway that will take you all the way from Indio right up to N. Marina Dr. It's 86s, but I'm not sure exactly how to pick it up from Indio. I suggest asking at the gas station or maybe someone here can clarify.


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sweet thanks rick..... do you have a cell phone # i can call at should i get totally lost?

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Sure, my number is 602-738-9185 and we will be using Ch 1. For any hams we will also monitor 146.52 Simplex.
