Truckhaven 2010 Jan 23-24 Discussion | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven 2010 Jan 23-24 Discussion

If you're in Pomona head to the Fr'ys right off the 60 by the 605, i got everything i needed there for around 80 bucks.....

Thanks Ill have to go over there and check it out anyways. Ive got my stuff ordered and already have some of it. I'm gonna do the install and tuning the weekend before haha. Fry's should have SWR meters right?

....sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread

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Well looks like the Notches could get better just in time, but you find alot of mud out there. They are saying that it is going to start raining this Sunday and probally last till next friday, with highs only in the 50's :eek:

Looks like I will be out here for the day on Saturday. I will probably have to leave before the cookout on Saturday night.

I'm still heading out there from Box Canyon (mecca) on Saturday morning and will head back to camping before dark.


well now that you guys have that established whens an east coat meet gonna happen? =p we need so ex group fun over here badly

Well, you can sit around and wait for someone else to organize something in your area, or you can make it happen yourself. It all starts with you starting the thread.

Just a week away!! :bounce:

Just FYI forcast ( is showing Showers for Fri-Sat in Salton City, with lows at night around 36* :(

Bring lots of firewood or we're going to be cold:eek:

Sure hope we don't get any rain.

I sure hope they're wrong. They're predicating rain all weekend:eek:

But truckhaven is mostly washes and ditches.. that just seems like it will be interesting in rain.


I don't really care if it does rain. I need to go wheelin'

Just make sure you not alone, so there is someone there to help you get the motorhome out of the mud:D:(

But truckhaven is mostly washes and ditches.. that just seems like it will be interesting in rain.


Box Canyon rd. could very well be closed. I've had to take a detour through Indio a couple times when the road was closed due to flash flooding and the sand it left behind on the road. That adds another hour to a 4.5 hour trip. Do you have anyone to call to see if the place you are going to be camping will be accessible?

Not really, but some people are heading out there early.. One year we had to camp right off box canyon road instead of in painted canyon because it was washed out and you couldn't get through to mecca.

We have also bee in painted canyon two years when a flash flood came down.. Not as impressive as it sounds, but water was about 1-2 feet deep heading down painted canyon road.

Here is where we camp... and that is actually us in the google maps pic.. This was from a few years ago..,-116.0072&spn=0.001461,0.00239&t=h&z=19

This year seems like its going to be at least "interesting"..

EDIT: It just occured to me. That is where I am going to be camping that weekend. That is NOT where everyone else will be or where the wheeling will be. Just didn't want to confuse anyone.


...I wonder if a local member will lend me his Kayak for the weekend??..:D

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According to the weather service, its going to rain Friday (22), not Saturday or Sunday (23-24).
We should be fine. I will be coming out Friday evening as soon as I can herd the girls out of the friggin' house. If it rains, it rains.
We have been at Truckhaven when it rains before. You just need to stay out of the main washes as much as possible.
