Truckhaven, Jan 14/15/16 2005 Sign Up | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truckhaven, Jan 14/15/16 2005 Sign Up

Corva's website is reporting for there event out at T-haven" The Guys setting up the course say there is no problems with RV access, 1/12/05" and "The course and RV access are fine after the rains."

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Still looking good for Friday night (6-7pm) arrival, leaving Monday morning (by morning I mean before noon).

BKennedy said:
"Dave, I plan to drive up to your house between those times to get the goods. That sound allright?"

What, are you guys making a dope deal??

Uhhh, no officer...nothing of the sort :nono: :D

I'll bring the buckets but as for the radio bezel, I must have chucked it because I searched high and low for that thing...sorry.

Got home last night at 1 am from north dakota. Heading out in a few to start packing up and head out. See you guys out there this afternoon evening.

John and I finally got his axle bracket welded on last night. We'll be packing up tonight, as soon as we can sneek away from work. I'm guessing we won't be pulling in till midnight, but we'll be up for a night run as soon as the tents up. :bounce:

Doesnt look like i'm gonna make out this time... You guys have fun...

DB_1 said:
I'll bring the buckets but as for the radio bezel, I must have chucked it because I searched high and low for that thing...sorry.

Thank you sir :thumbsup:

Ahh don't worry about the radio big deal. Thanks for lookin though ;)
