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I've got one tree that I will have to chop up though in pieces to get there...burns just as hot though. And I am stilll working on when I will get there. DAMN! I hope the kids are better tomorrow. My brothers are ready to go, I am unfortunately the struggling one. O' and I am fine with either the bluff or off of Marina. If it's not crowded I say Marina is better.

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I'll probally be there around noon tommorow or maybe earlier.

Joe, just strap it to the roof, that's what I always did:D...There just will not be any needles left!:(

...Can someone bring me back a small bumper from DB_1 on their way home???..I can pick it up later too if that helps..:dunno:

...Thank you, I appreciate it...:biggthump

Saw alot of toys already heading out this morning on the freeway:(

We'll be there Friday late afternoon.

Could someone please bring a table for the pot luck? The one we used to have is shot. No time to go out and pick up a new one.
I have a 48" costco folding table that should work. It lives in one of the RV's storage compartments anyway.
Rick, pick a place with RV's in mind. Last year I was worried about getting stuck again. If you have a choice, grab that spot where the group was camped that you spun donuts around. Nice hard ground for the RV's and merges with softer stuff for the tents. Puuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeccccccccttttttttt.:thumbsup:

And I am stilll working on when I will get there. DAMN! I hope the kids are better tomorrow.
That is what the wife is for, to stay home with the sick kids while you have fun. Get it straight, man!!:eek::crazy:

That could work...only she is sick too.:thumbdwn:

I was going to try to snag the same spot we had last t-haven trip. Where our circle of motorhomes...You Rick will way off to the side anyway!:p:

I was going to try to snag the same spot we had last t-haven trip. Where our circle of motorhomes...You Rick will way off to the side anyway!:p:

Steve, I'll be getting in around 9 to 10 AM. Do you have an idea what time you'll be in? What CB channel will we use? PM me your cell #

If no one is going to be there in the AM then I'll get there a little later. I'll be staying in Borrego Springs.

I should be there around mid morning to early afternoon. All depends on when I can get my lazy a$$ in gear tomorrow.

Could always just set the pot luck up on one of the trailers.

Anybody have GPS coordinates for the camp off of Marina?

Just head west on N Marina Dr. Right before you get to the hill make a right. go about 100 yards make another right. Go about 20 more yards and park. Otherwise you end up in the wash.

Should be out there around 8 - 8:30 Saturday morning.

I was going to try to snag the same spot we had last t-haven trip. Where our circle of motorhomes...You Rick will way off to the side anyway!:p:

I've got an exhaust extender for the generator. Hopefully that will keep it a bit quieter so I won't have to park so far away from the group:confused:

Bringing a 6x10:salute: box trailer and i have two 4'x4' folding tables. want I should load em in?

Rick, Tom is bringing your tiki with him. Can you get a good pic of it by the fire?

Alright, I'm in and should hopefully be down there sometime around 4 tomorrow afternoon...

...but seeing as I'm the only thing close to a stock truck I'll most likely bow out if I start holding you guys up too much.

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Alright, I'm in and should hopefully be down there sometime around 4 tomorrow afternoon...

...but seeing as I'm the only thing close to a stock truck I'll most likely bow out if I start holding you guys up too much.
Great thing about Truckhaven is there are lots of bypass trails.

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