trustworthy mechanic | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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trustworthy mechanic


September 21, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
East Lansing, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
i need some help to find a good trustworthy mechanic in the Lansing (central) Michigan area. i want one who can actaully help me and not take my money and do crapy work. any ideas would be greatly aprecieated.

well if you dont mind traveling there is guy right down the road from me that does awesome work for a good price... he is located in newaygo mi, about 35-40 mins north of lansing. he got my truck running when i was completely stumped, ran my exhaust, finished all the wiring, tinkered with it for quite a while and made some brakcets, like alt bracket and such and the total came out to just over 600.00. one of the best in my area, he is deff. worth it

find one and keep him/her and dont lie to them
