Truxxx spacers plus 1.5" or 3" body lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Truxxx spacers plus 1.5" or 3" body lift


Active Member
June 8, 2014
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Ogden Utah
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2002 Ford Explorer
Hey guys.

Does anybody have a opinion or knowledge about running truxxx spacers and a 3" body lift or the truxxx spacers and a 1.5" body lift?


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Really depends on what size tires you intend on running.
Truxxx/Traxda is a strut spacer (suspension) which is independent from the body.

Really depends on what size tires you intend on running.
Truxxx/Traxda is a strut spacer (suspension) which is independent from the body.

Yeah I know that.
Ideally I would like to run 285s which are 33s
But I would be ok with running 265s

Spacer and 3 inch body lift should work!

Spacer and 3 inch body lift should work!

I know there have been issues with the spacers being to much on the upper control arms. Would I need to get new uppers even though the spacers are smaller?

I know there have been issues with the spacers being to much on the upper control arms. Would I need to get new uppers even though the spacers are smaller?

I would. Cheaper than the results of having a balljoint separating from a spindle while you're driving down the road. You can run 265s with just a 3" or even a 1.5" body lift and not touch the suspension at all. Better gas mileage that way too (instead of 285s). Also don't forget you'll need aftermarket wheels or wheel spacers with stock wheels to run 285s no matter what.....since the tire is so wide it will rub on the spindles otherwise

I would. Cheaper than the results of having a balljoint separating from a spindle while you're driving down the road. You can run 265s with just a 3" or even a 1.5" body lift and not touch the suspension at all. Better gas mileage that way too (instead of 285s). Also don't forget you'll need aftermarket wheels or wheel spacers with stock wheels to run 285s no matter what.....since the tire is so wide it will rub on the spindles otherwise

Thanks ronin. I have heard from some friends that I could strictly a smaller spacer without having to really worry about anything. Is that true?

i run 265/70 on 17" mustang GT wheels. they didn't rub at all, now i have 1.5" wheel spacers and it looks mean as ****.

Thanks ronin. I have heard from some friends that I could strictly a smaller spacer without having to really worry about anything. Is that true?

The traxxda spacers aren't exactly small. 1.5" or so...enough to make the ball joints wear out faster but how much faster it's hard to say exactly. I'm not saying that yours will definitely snap in half like some folks with larger spacers but even so I would seriously consider running the BTF arms if you run spacers at all. cheap insurance if you consider the possible outcome if one of the stock ball joints fails when driving on the open road.

If all you need to do is clear the tires, do it with just a body lift if you can. If you find you need more ground clearance still, then I would recommend the spacers at that point....with the BTF arms.

this is with 31" going to be going with 33"

No its the traxda spacer kit 102020 kit.

You have a pic of yours?
