Trying to save my '97 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trying to save my '97 Explorer


January 24, 2015
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London London
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Explorer 1997
From when I bought it my '97 explorer had some rattling in the engine which I think was to do with the timing chains and the tensioning cassette. I drove it about 2,000 miles always under 3k revs and it was going great until the other morning when on starting it sounded as horrible as hell, loud too and the oil pressure had dropped considerably.

After having read lots I think the oil pick up is blocked by debris from a broken timing chain tensioner and that has significantly reduced the oil pressure.

I wanted to take the oil pan off and clean it out together with the pick up screen but I can't figure out if I'll need to raise the engine or not to remove the pan. I've read that you do and also that you don't...??? Could anyone clarify this for me? I don't have the facilities to raise the engine I don't think but if it's a matter of crawling under the car draining the oil and removing the pan, I think I can handle that.

I've also read a thread where cleaner and multiple oil changes without taking the pan off cleaned things up enough to regain pressure - anyone had experience of that?

Any help/advice much appreciated.

I'm in the UK so dealing with the UK version of the '97 SOHC 4.0 Explorer.

Thank you,

