Tuff Country 4" 91-94? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tuff Country 4" 91-94?


Elite Explorer
March 9, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Tuolumne, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XL/ 00WJ Jeep
I would like to know if anyone had or is running a tuff country lift on the 91-94's? How well do they hold up and if there any problems with them? I'm thinking of putting one in the 91XLT.

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pick it up,and some 32's

I think Tuff County went out of business in the 90s or was bought out by Rough County or Trail master as all were in Michigan. At one time they made a lot of blue or yellow color lifts for ttb fords, as I have installed a few on full size. They are ok, but most except skyjacker, and they had an 'economy' lift, the drop brackets are are the weak link. Good for street and daily. And I think they only come in 4 inch.

I meant the axle drop brackets, not the radius arm ones.

I know Tuff Country is still in bussiness They are located in Draper, Utah. I called them a few wks. back. I wanted to go with a Skyjacker lift, but when I called skyjacker they said that they don't make the 4" and 6" lifts any more. All they have is the 2". I did not want to go with superlift. I know some people out my way had problems with there lift. My 94 was more of a DD. I was using my YJ for the more challeging trails. But I need something with more room. So that why I'm thinking of my 91xlt. So I'm open for any ideas on a lift for it. I would like to run 35's on it.
