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Uh OOooo...


Well-Known Member
February 2, 2000
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1998 XLT 5.0L
hey guys, i just got my Flowmaster today. I almost shed a tear when i lifted it outta the box... for some reason i kept hearin that tune from 2001 Space Oddessy. This mother is ENORMOUS!!! i purchased the Flowmaster 50 sexries muffler with the 2.25 dual inlets and single 3 inch outlet for my 5.0L X. just looking at the 3inch outlet pipe, i am wondering if there will be any problems that i may run into installing this bad boy? im pretty sure the stock outlet pipe aint 3inches. Any thing i should know before i call around different shops to see who is willing to install my muffler? :hammer:

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The stock exhaust on a 5.0L Xplorer has dual 2.25" pipes back to the muffler and then a single 2.25" on out the back... I went to one muffler shop they said the biggest I could get out the back was a 2.5" but I've got air shocks, a 16" spare, and a tow hitch so you should be able to fit 3" with no problem. Mine was going to be $170 total so yours will probably run less than $100 for pipe and install.

Anyone actually have a flowmaster 50 series dual in and single out? i have seent T-Bone's car but he's got dual in dual out muffler. the piping on inlets and outlets are all 2.25 inches. 3 inches man.. THATS HUGE!!!

Where did you guys get the muffler? How much? thanks

get it from carparts.com and use the 20% off code. the code is deal . Anyone have the dual in single out???

What is this code you're talking about, sounds kinda awesome. Anyone have a dual/dual? Is it possible to fit without sending onee pipe to the other side?

There isn't enough room to send duals out one side. If you go duals you have to send it out both sides and you have to remove your spare on pre 99s. Ford moved something around in 99 that left enough room for duals and a spare.

my muffler was only 70 bucks or so...local vic hubbard performance shop...it is like a hi performance napa

Originally posted by CougarX
There isn't enough room to send duals out one side. If you go duals you have to send it out both sides and you have to remove your spare on pre 99s. Ford moved something around in 99 that left enough room for duals and a spare.

Oh Contrair Mo-na-me! check this website!!!

Dead Link Removed

Brotha's got a 50 series dual in and dual out!! WITH the SPARE!!! T-Bone was once pretty active on teh site, but probably had another kid to keep him super busy. Its a great site all devoted to his Mods and the ups and downs to them.

The carparts.com code i keep ranting about is how to receive 20% off whatever you purchase from carparts.com.

About my question that started off this posting, dont worry bout answering it. I took my muffler to some shop in down here in San Diego, and they hooked me up!!! EXPRESS MUFFLER AND HITCH! Those guys rock!! :fire: did all the work in about an hour! :hammer:

The dual inlets were kept at 2.25, but the single oulet was decreased from a 3 inch to a 2.5. The dudes there were saying how it would be really cramped having 3 inch tubing exiting out my car through all the rear suspension. This has got to be one of the best mods i have done to my X. I like it even more than my stereo. The throaty roar is best in first and second gear, especially during the gear change. I noticed a minor difference when the windows are all up, but when i rolled down the windows to get some fresh air, "OH BABY!!! Whos got that SWEET exhaust? Hey, THATS ME!!" Flowmaster 50 series. Go for it!
