Ultra4 National Championship in Vegas 9/27/13 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ultra4 National Championship in Vegas 9/27/13

Yup, that's what it's looking like. Haven't gotten official word yet that our race is canceled but it says it right in the Ultra 4 race that our HDRA race is canceled also. My race partner Jason is gonna be thrilled about this considering he's had his airline tickets to fly out from London for this race booked for a few months now. He's not some rich TT dude that tossing away a flight is no biggie... I'm sure he's got options but yeah, he's gonna be thrilled... I guess maybe I'll go to the swap meet this weekend and try to sell some stuff maybe now since I don't have to spend the weekend buttoning up our truck for race day. My goal was to have the truck 100% ready itself by end of the weekend so that next week I could finalize pit boxes and work on pit strategy.

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Here is HDRA's Official Announcement as well: **Mirage Las Vegas 300 Postponed**

In preparing for the Mirage 300 event at Moapa, a number of federal agencies have oversight in use of Tribal lands at Moapa. Agencies include the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW), and interaction with the Secretary of the Interior.

One of the steps required for final approval included a study by a Cultural Biologist to be submitted to the BIA. A Certified Cultural Biologist from the Reno, Nevada area was contracted to compile this study. After purportedly completing the study, this individual has suddenly decided this week, for unknown reasons, not to release his report for submission to the BIA. Because of this individual’s refusal to complete his contracted obligations towards the overall review process, we are now unable to satisfy stipulations regarding portions of the proposed long-distance race course. The course currently available is unacceptable and would make the quality of the event sub-standard for HDRA racers.

HDRA is announcing postponement of the Mirage Las Vegas 300 until January, 2014. After considering alternatives, it was decided that postponement is the most logical action at this time. This will allow sufficient time to complete the remaining BIA requirements, and we will be in a terrific position to wrap up the 2013 season in a true championship manner. This January 2014 event will also kick-off the new racing season and provide you with the opportunity to earn final points towards your 2013 HDRA season and also start accumulating points for 2014.

This decision to postpone is only hours old, and there are a number of issues still to be resolved. We will be communicating additional information as quickly as possible, and ask that everyone be patient as we move forward towards our rescheduled, better than ever January 2014 event.

From the HDRA release it looks like a "A Certified Cultural Biologist" is the root of the cause.

LOL, the lynch mob over on pirate 4x4 is already starting the head hunt for that person. Obviously it's all in good fun but the conversation is pretty funny, a points system for his head is already being tossed around. HAHAHA

..I'm out of town and been getting emails and updates on my phone..

..All I can keep saying is WOW..:eek:

..The number of lives and business' that this has affected is beyond belief...Teams were being given gas incentives, rooms were booked at Treasure Island by the 5th of Sept., and guys from other countries truggies were almost finished and ready to ship..

Wow...just Wow..:(

..Crop...Now I need to reschedule time to work on the truck and head out of town..:banghead:

..Tempers are wearing thin over there so I hope there won't be anymore changes...The mood is turning ugly..:eek:

Ultra4 race is back on in/near Congress, AZ! Friday is prerunning and the race is now Saturday. I would be tempted to come out to this one but I cant with all these last minute changes :(

Thats right down the road for Rick..


..You know..:scratch:

..The way things are going, we can get him entered for this race..:D

Yep, one stoplight in Wickenburg between us and Congress :D

We have plenty of room for camping in the backyard if anyone needs a place to camp.

..I might take you up on that..:biggthump

..Wickenburg is where they are sending all the 90 plus race teams for rooms or dry camping at the course with a few porta potties...

...I'm curious to see what the gnarly rock sections are going to look like..:popcorn:

Huh, I have some thinking to do... I need to get up to Prescott to check on my rental house sooner then later. Maybe I make this a trip still... Hmmm... Thinking... Thinking... Thinking...

Would give me a trial run camping outta the exploder too. Hmmmm...

It just occurred to me, this is Next Weekend, not this weekend..

I think I may take a drive up to watch the fun.


So I'm really leaning towards doing this... I'd leave Vegas Friday morning and head straight out to Congress. I'd plan on camping Friday night 100% for sure and bring supplies possibly for Sat night too. Depending when the event was done and how things were looking I'd either camp down there Sat night also or I'd possibly head up the hill to Prescott and camp up there or find a friend's house to crash at. I'd spend Friday afternoon/Sat at the Ultra 4 event for sure.

Anyone else interested? Heck, I may even take up Rick's offer on crashing his backyard... Would you be opposed to a LARGE goofy friendly dog on the property? If so, I TOTALLY understand and no worries. His only issue is he's a food monster, he'll sniff it out and thief it super fast, that's my only issue with him really. Oh, he's also not cat friendly... Just being up front and seriously, not an issue if he's a problem. I'll camp out at Congress, no sweat either way...

I'm waiting for my tenants to confirm they'll be around that Sunday to let me walk thru the house, then I'll decide.

Sounds like he would keep Clyde company:D Our cats are kept indoors so no worries there. He can help Clyde hunt the jackrabbits, and ground squirrels :D


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Well I just got word my tenants will be around that Sunday and I've been saying for about 3 months now that I need to get out there to check on my house. I'm like 99% a go at this point. LOL, I just gotta re-request next friday off I guess at this point. I have one other open ended issue to squelch and then I'm a go for this. I'll PM you Rick once I'm 100% and figure out what's best.

My terror...


You can see the evil in his eyes!!!! Notice the partially chewed piece of fuel cell foam in the background... Yeah, jerk!!! LOL He's much much better now and not quite as dumb being 3.5 y/o now.


It just occurred to me, this is Next Weekend, not this weekend..

I think I may take a drive up to watch the fun.



I am NOT going. I almost committed a mortal Sin. That is Yolanda's birthday weekend and we are having a party for her at the house...

I can just image how long I'd be in the Dog house if I wasn't there.. It would be worse than the time I forgot what her Given name was..


Happy birthday Yo' :D

Sorry Mark :(

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...Mark...Tell Yolanda you planned on taking her on a trip for her Birthday and see if she can make some tamales...She'll love ya for it...:D

..I just received some info about the spectator and camping fees..

The race will now be held on Saturday, September 28th allowing drivers as much time as possible to make the race. The site will be open to spectators. Cost to spectators is $15 a day and $25 for the weekend. Camping is $10 a night per vehicle. Pre-running and registration will be on Friday, September 27th and late registration will be available Saturday morning.

..and this is who agreed to hold the race at their property and got the county permits in under a week..
