Unstable steering @ high speeds and bumps | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Unstable steering @ high speeds and bumps


April 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport
I have a 2002 Explorer sport and have noticed that it seems to be very unstable at highway speeds over 65MPH. If I am driving straight it appears to be fine. But if I attempt to turn the steering wheel slightly oneway and then back the other way (ex: avoiding holes, animals, etc) it feels like a boat and I am going to loose control. Almost as if the vehicle cannot keep up with the steering reaction. I have also noticed, regardless of speed, that when I go over bumps the steering wheel becomes loose and I loose traction and control of the steering wheel. Almost as if the vehicle is airborne and then regains control once it hits the ground. I have recently had the stock tires replaced and balanced. It has 92,000 miles on it and I thought it might be my shocks or steering stabilizer. Does a 2002 Explorer sport have a steering stabilizer? What do you think is causing this? Will replacing the shocks fix the problem?

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Is everything still stock? At 92,000, you probably should have already replaced all four shocks and swaybar bushings front and rear. My sport is at 81,000 and I've already replaced all the bushings once and the shocks twice.

Quick things to check:

- Visually inspect front and rear sway bars. Make sure the bushings are still intact and bolts tight.
- With the car in park and front jacked up, grab each wheel at the top and bottom and check if there's any movement up and down.

I have never replaced any of the shocks or bushings and everything is pretty much stock. The vehicle is in great shape. I bought the car used with 50,000 miles on it so I am unaware of any work that has been done on it. I have never looked at the sway bar nor do I know where to look for it. What does the sway bar look like and how can I tell if it is bad? I assume it is a cross bar connecting the front and rear shocks?

What does the sway bar look like and how can I tell if it is bad? I assume it is a cross bar connecting the front and rear shocks?

Both the front and rear sway bars are thick bars which run nearly the entire width of the truck. The front bar runs behind the bottom of the radiator and ties into end links (perpendicular to the ground) which attach to the lower arm near the lower shock mounts. The rear sway bar is attached to the rear axle and ties into end links which attach to the body near the rear shock's upper mounts.

A sway bar itself won't be bad. It's the rubber bushings in the end links which wear out and cause a "loose" feel in the suspension. All that said, your front suspension components all work together, so you may need new swaybar bushings, need shocks and possibly even new ball joints as well. Working from cheapest to most expensive, start with the sway bar bushings.

Both the front and rear sway bars are thick bars which run nearly the entire width of the truck. The front bar runs behind the bottom of the radiator and ties into end links (perpendicular to the ground) which attach to the lower arm near the lower shock mounts. The rear sway bar is attached to the rear axle and ties into end links which attach to the body near the rear shock's upper mounts.

A sway bar itself won't be bad. It's the rubber bushings in the end links which wear out and cause a "loose" feel in the suspension. All that said, your front suspension components all work together, so you may need new swaybar bushings, need shocks and possibly even new ball joints as well. Working from cheapest to most expensive, start with the sway bar bushings.

How much am I looking at to do all the work you mentioned? Also if I choose to "tolerate" and hold off for a while will there be any permanent damage to the car or danger?
