Updated pics (wheels, tires, interior, bumper, blah blah blah) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Updated pics (wheels, tires, interior, bumper, blah blah blah)

Finally got some pics of recent changes: here's the link

For some before pics (somewhat): click here

I painted the front bumper, took off the valence, added tow hooks, got black rock crawlers, Xterrains, painted a bit of the interior, got a new stereo because the other one crapped out, new door speakers too (but no pics), and took off the nerf bars... I've had the reverse gauges for a while, but never took pics until now..

The paint on the doors is holding up for the most part.. The cargo area didn't, so I've gotta work on that.. It's still very much in the works, but let's here your thoughts!

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Niiiiice, Great Mod's

I have been think about clear corners for my 92 and now that I have seen them on your, I think I'll get them, they look great. :)

Very sharp, nice truck

Lookin good.

Thanks for the compliments guys.. I just messed up my grill though, doh! :( I'm gonna try to fix it though... :)

Ok, well... Grill not fixed, decided to go the cheaper way and put a stock grill back on... Anyway, since I got a digicam for X-Mas! :D YAY!!! I got some new pics. These are daytime so you can actually see it:) Changed a little more since I started this thread, so here ya go

click here!!! to find these new pics

Excellent "X", camera works good too.

Nice X! I've been looking for Rock Crawler rims like those. Where did you get them and for how much? I just got a new 4wheel mag and they had a special in there for the black rock crawlers AND xterrains combo for $680 i believe? I was planning on getting Bridgestone Dueler AT/Revos.... but how do you like the xterrains? I do a lot of highway driving to school.....

What kind of lift do you have? It sits up nice and MEAN looking! The xterrains look good, they actually last a bit longer than i thought, 20k +. Offroad magazine updated their write-up on them and they said tread is holding up strong.

Thanks for the compliments guys!

sk1er17 - I bought the wheels used from someone on this site.. I'm still liking the XTs, and they've worn great so far:) They do make noise, but I don't think it's alot. Don't think I even hear them at HWY speeds, and the ride is good..

kontinu1 - It's a 5.5" Superlift
