urban wheeling and truck update *warning dial up, big pics* | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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urban wheeling and truck update *warning dial up, big pics*

Well, I figured this should go here cause I wanted to show you guys pics of AFTER some jerk broke into my truck, and after I put in my new driveshaft. I also wanted to show a couple flex shots from my X in my driveway cause I got to use a digi cam and I think it's cool :p Anyways, here's the dash after my HU was ripped out... I just took it off and it's ugly as sin now:


And here's the new driveshaft...well, it's still an old one but I got it lengthend and they put new tubing on it, so it looks all nice, new, and pretty...


And number 2, complete with my name spelled incorrectly on it :D


Now for the urban wheeling pics...this is my truck in my driveway, where I managed to get a little flex out of her (you can tell I need to get out and do some wheeling when I'm trying to get flex in my driveway :confused: ) :

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And the second, I got some pretty good flex in the back...

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And last but not least, this is the wonderfully beautiful car I drive around when my truck is un-operational. BTW, yes, the whole front end is black while the rest of the car is gray because I decided to slam it into the back of an oldsmobile in high school (hehehe, i deserve to drive this jalopy around):

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Hope you enjoyed

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Great lookin truck! Love the lift. You should run over the car! Do you like your BFG Mud Terrains? Are they loud on the road? Do they hold up on the road? Thanks.......Im looking for new 31x10.50 tires.

Thanks! Yeah, I love the BFG's, they hum a little on the road, but I don't think you'd get as much with 31x10.50's. But they wear really well on the road if you keep them aligned.. Go get 'em, I think you'll like them :D

What is up man? Hows the AAL? I was writing this because I thought me and my friend coined the "Urban Fourwheeling" phrase when we used to wheel His Scout and my Blazer in Colorado Springs. It was a ton of fun, but man people can get pissed! I think it is a cool idea, less of a drive, more risky and such. Hey if you want to go stealth, you might try "Midnight Urban Fourwheeling"! We kind of stopped doing it one time when we were busting through snow difts in a parking lot and went through one 5 feet tall between 2 trees and over a curb and a bush and got high centered at about 25 miles an hour. It sucked because the doors wouldn't even open. Some Lunatic in his mom's conversion van with chains on it pulled us out. I am moving back to colorado in December, we should go wheeling while we're both in Texas.

Hey man, AAL's working great, added that little bit of rear lift I needed to counter the sag... Yeah, we should get together sometime soon to go wheeling. I know Brian (trckmagik) is talking about going to Gilmer sometime soon, maybe we could hook up there. Check out the demon 4x4 forum and there's a thread about it. How's that lift working out?

My truck is working great. It really isn't a mud truck though, and it has been doing quite a bit of that lately. I was going to meet Brian a while back, but it didn't work out. What is Gilmer like? I guess I should get on the thread. How far is austin from Dallas? Is there places to wheel down there?

Don't know, never been to Gilmer... Austin is about 4 hours from Dallas, and the nearest place to wheel out here is the Slabs (at least that I'm aware of).
