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Uphill power loss, help

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Smoking at long idle? Worn out fuel pressure regulator allowing fuel into the vacuum lines maybe. Mine did that, it was a dog. Ran rich and the ecm never could compensate.

Went on a run with some of the guys from our club, and we just take our time and after awhile I could smell fuel but no leaks, this is not the first time it's done this, did this happento you? Or has anyone else have had this problem?

It happened to me......

did this happento you? Or has anyone else have had this problem?

It happened to me.....

I had multiple issues last Summer-Fall-Winter-and again now in Spring. Minor nuisances, but all with the fuel system by coincidence. And by default I have become all too familiar with it now.

First, last July I had a hole rust through the fuel filter and I could smell gas from under the drivers side door. http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=335878

Second, In January I had a fuel injector start leaking, I could smell fuel from under the hood and thought it was the vapor canister, purge solenoid, or tubes and hoses which I replaced all of it in vein and to no avail. I finally found it when I took off the upper intake manifold and could see fuel pooling by it and could visibly see bubbles forming on the bottom of the injector when the system was pressurized (not running but Key on engine off). It ran fine and no CEL came on, I ended rebuilding the the fuel injectors after soaking them in a cheapy Harbor Freight ultrasonic bath full of carb-cleaner. This leak was hard to find because the injectors are buried, and a very strong odor of fuel. You can order the rebuild kits with new pintles, filters, o-rings, and spacers; get the kits here:
EDIT: I replaced the leaky injector. When they do this, you must replace it. Rebuilding will not remedy.

My engine ran much smoother after this, no more rough idle.

Third, in February I had a fuel pressure regulator go bad to where it was leaking fuel into the vacuum line attached to it. When it idled, it was rough and it smoked because the fuel was sucking into the intake but smooths out at speed, but had a loss of power above 45mph. Again, no Check Engine light. This was easy to diagnose because the vacuum line attached to the regulator is wet with fuel inside. There was no odor of fuel from under the hood.

Now, I have something else leaking but can't find it, It's somewhere back by the tank, faint odor, it runs fine, but annoying.

Fuel Odor from Rear

Not to hijack the thread, but there were some questions regarding fuel odor on this thread by the original poster and thought I might provide some more detail.

I think I isolated the location of the latest fuel leak. I'm pretty sure it's coming from the top of the gas tank. I can only detect it after I've been drivng it for a few, and my theory is the fuel is swishing around the gas tank which is when it works it's way to the top, and is seaping out a seal or Hose, attachment, etc.... My guess is that it's leakng due to some corrosion where the fuel pump is. I can't see it, but the odor's the strongest from the rear of the vehicle. I'll either be dropping the gas tank or cutting an access hole to service it. It's probably wiser to go ahead and drop the tank, replace the tank straps, any corroded fuel lines, and rerun a replacement brake line I ran outside the frame and am not too proud of; but at the time, I didn't want to remove the tank to replace it. Figured while I was there, I'll bite the bullet and put in a new fuel pump as a preventative maintenance step.

Rusty, as long as the tank is mostly empty, it is actually really easy to drop and put back up, so don't worry! If a skinny moron like me can get it done, anybody can do it.

(The above statement is made assuming minimal corrosion/damage, and I in no way mean to invoke Murphy)

Guess what I found, I was over helping a friend with A/C on a ranger & while on the vac pump I crawled under my X to find out what's been rattling & found that somthing loose inside of the cat. converter, where can I get one for cheap?

just happen to be reading through this thread. im no gearhead by any means, but your problem reminds me of one i experienced about 10 years ago. couldnt figure it out thinking there was something wrong with the motor until i realized it was my tranny showing early signs of crapping out. also sounds like a fuel pump/system problem.

RMR> The cheap: grab a saws-all and head to a junkyard. Cut one off that looks good.

The Proper: Magnaflow makes high flow cat's that are 49 state compliant (not cali) that cost around 75$ (I think) That's what I would do.
