Urgent help needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Urgent help needed


October 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Cullman Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Eddie B.
93 explorer jumped time. Retimed it, sparks fine and fires right but still won't start it's freezing and I have no idea wats going on.

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You should post a few more details. What engine do you have? How many miles on the engine? Have you checked anything else?

93 Eddie b ohv with183000 that's all I've checked don't know where to go

Well if you got spark my guess is a fuel problem... perhaps the fuel filter is old/clogged??

Well tried spraying starter fluid into the engine and still won't start so I'm thinking prob not a fuel issue cmon guys I need ideas were talkin to only thing I have to drive


is it out 180 now?
TDC can line up on the wrong part of the valve cycle too ,

double check your wiring.
I Assume you took off the timing cover and replaced the chain? This is the only way I know of to "get it back in time"
You might have a loose electrical plug somewhere.

Check the crank sensor--and the wiring to it.

When you turn the key on do you hear the fuel pump running near the rear axle?

Does the check engine light come on?

Oh, and this one is important.While cranking the engine, do you see the oil pressure gauge come up?

The timing cover only has one wire on it and it's on the check engine light comes on bit o guessed that was because every thing block forward is still off and I don't think my oil pressure guage worked when the engine ran but I did happen to think that I know nothing about the engine because it's not the original just know it used to run but is suprisingly clean inside

Do you have a compression gauge? If not, borrow one and check to make sure you are not 180° off. Or if anyone else here has more experience with that engine, post the correct timing chain line up procedure.

Ok so the firtst time I lined up with the wrong mark and then when I lined it up right it started a couple days ago. Today put everything back togeather and now it won't start I don't know what to do
