V-LED 60M-SMT type 2 dual color LED for 2005 Ex Front Corners | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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V-LED 60M-SMT type 2 dual color LED for 2005 Ex Front Corners

So here's what I've run into. I bought new LED tails for my Explorer, and they work great. I also bought 60M-SMT white LED retrofit bulbs for the reverse lights. But when I tried to install the dual colors in the front corners, I can't make them work. I tried to install the 6 ohm resistors, but that didn't help.

See, they are supposed to be white when the parking lights are on, then when you flip on the turn signal, the white goes off and only the amber flashes. But so far, I've only been able to make one color at a time work. I either have white on for parking and turn signals, or only yellow and then only for the turn signals. This happens with or without the resistors.

There's also something rattling inside the bulbs, but they're both operating the same, so I don't know if this has anything to do with the problem.

If anyone has any experience with LED's, please help me out. I really wanna make these work on my truck.

The video shows what they're doing to me now. I just got done messing with them, so took them out and put the stock bulbs back in.


I really hope someone can help me with this.

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you need to install load resistors. The leds draw less power than a halogen bulb so it makes the system think there is a bulb out. You just need to install and in line load resistor.

There was a post awhile ago about these bulbs. On the web site for the bulbs they said some bulbs only worked in a Toyota or something like that. (ground switched elec. systems)
Check out the site, where ever it is.

There was a post awhile ago about these bulbs. On the web site for the bulbs they said some bulbs only worked in a Toyota or something like that. (ground switched elec. systems)
Check out the site, where ever it is.

Yeah, I {bleep}ed up and bought that kind. They're meant for the Tundra and Camry, but they do have the correct type for the Ex. I'll have pics up when I get the new bulbs installed and the truck isn't coated in dirt.

Can someone please tell me what 2 wires I need to install the load resistors across on an '05 Ex XLS? I just discovered my muti-meter is dead.

Back mostly done

Here's the back of my very dirty truck with new LED tail housings, reverse retrofit LED bulbs, and retrofit LEDs in the license plate lights. Just have to do the high mount brake light.


  • ExBackLED.jpg
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I've got all the LED's in. I'm working on a video, but it's taking me a while to do. I'll post it as soon as I can.

deffinatly, although ive only had them for about a month, they seam to be constructed better than other led knock offs, and are much brighter...so im pretty sure they will be a long lasting mod on my vehicle.

so which are the proper swack type bulbs to buy? theres only 3 options on there site i want to put some on my 97 explorer..thanks in advance!!


You need the standard bulbs... that means when you go to the website make sure you are not ordering sack or swack type bulbs... those will not work properly.

What you need is the switchback bulb located here http://www.v-leds.com/3157-3156-LED/Standard/SwitchBack/tc354295-1-2//page/1/checkForLanding/true

There is a warning on the website that says what specific vehicles the sack and swack bulbs are for. If you are not sure i would just email them to make sure. Hope that helps.

MC05XLS, what bulbs did you use for you reverse lights and license plate lights? Where did you get them?

MC05XLS, what bulbs did you use for you reverse lights and license plate lights? Where did you get them?

Also got them from V-LEDs.com. The reverse bulbs are a 60 M-SMT type bulb. Sorry, but I don't have the model numbers on them. V-LEDS.COM does have a new one out that I think should be brighter than mine.
