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Vehicle specs


May 25, 2014
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2003 Mountaineer
Good Morning. Okay so I bought my Monty over a year ago and still love. Well the family is growing and now I need it to pull double duty in towing our family camper which weighs approx 2600 lbs fully loaded. I was pretty sure when we bought it that it was the 6880 lbs max tow, tow package ect. After much reading online I'm a bit confused. Though this site has me feeling better. It has the bigger hitch 2", AWD 4.6 V8, the axle code on the door shows D4 which from my reading here says 3:73 gears. I'm just worried that I have the 3:55 rear gears with the much lower towing capability which is concerning. I'm pretty sure I'm okay though but would like to get all your thoughts on more ways to confirm my trucks factory options. Thanks in advance!

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Based on what you've posted, you can tow up to 7k lbs.

I'm of the opinion that whatever max weight for tow is given is usually under rated for safety, meaning you could probably tow more. Either way, your well below even the V6 max tow weight.

Sounds like you are ok. I strongly recommend a transmission temperature gauge. I have towed a similar amount of weight with much less wind resistance and the tranny stayed cool most of the time but with the torque converter unlocked in 4th gear it heats up pretty fast. These tranny's are pretty fragile and overheating it will hurt it even more.

Cool link...I learned somethings that I didn't even know my car had.
Agree. Sport Trac guru and moderator SteveM turned me on to FordEtis. Closest you will find to a build sheet
or window sticker without paying. Recommend you print and save it, they aren't available after a certain time.
