Very difficult to steer my 02 mounty V8 AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Very difficult to steer my 02 mounty V8 AWD


Active Member
June 29, 2010
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02 Mountaineer V8
:usa:ok, my car literally wont steer. My resevoir is full. any thoughts suggestions will be very much appreciated.:usa:

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The link didn't work. I appreciate your effort. Please resend

That's my issue, I simply don't know. How can I eliminate one ove another.
The car was driving & steering ok. I pulled into a parking spot. Never turned
Tha car off went in reverse started to pull out and heard a low humming sound and the mountys steering wasnt responding and then it simply wouldn't steer. I drove home with limited steering as I could hardly turn the wheel.

That's my issue, I simply don't know. How can I eliminate one ove another.
The car was driving & steering ok. I pulled into a parking spot. Never turned
Tha car off went in reverse started to pull out and heard a low humming sound and the mountys steering wasnt responding and then it simply wouldn't steer. I drove home with limited steering as I could hardly turn the wheel.

reve the car, hold rpms at 2500, if you have power steering you need a pump.

i'll check it tonight or tomorrow morning... On the road, borrowing a car, which i hate doing.

AWD stuck/Very difficult to steer my 02 mounty V8 AWD

my Mounty is stuck in AWD, and has been for a very long time... it was crabbing its way through the streets, parking lots and driveway... Now it simply doesnt steer. ill check the power steering pump as was sy=uggested by reving to 2500 RPMs and then steering. If it steers, i was told that its the pump...

Any addidtional thoughts since i failed to include details sooner.


The link didn't work. I appreciate your effort. Please resend

That link Esclamada has at the bottom of his posts wasn't a repair link for you, it's just a link to see the photos of his own Mountaineer.

Sometimes it's the rack and pinion (steering gear) that's failing due to leaks but since it leaks the pump sometimes goes along with it (never leave the pump dry).

First check your rack and pinion if the boots are leaking, if it is then it's time to replace it. Next if you could steer but it takes a lot of muscle to do it then it's the pump. If it's leaking and hard to steer then replace both.

