Volo Performance flash chip.. looking for thoughts/experience | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Volo Performance flash chip.. looking for thoughts/experience


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July 1, 2009
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'05 Mountaineer 4.6L
hopefully this is where this thread should go.

anyway. i was looking into the volo performance flash chip for my 97 SOHC. i am really looking for anyone that has used them that can give me their first hand experience and thoughts on them.

1. did it really work?
2. did you see any gas mileage differences?
3. how was the added horsepower?
4. did it cause any problems what so ever?
5. anything else you can think of that i might be interested in knowing.

thanks to anyone that can shed some light on the subject and help me decide if i am going to grab one up.

here is the link to the ebay one

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wow they have **** for information on their products there.

i'll try researching there products.. thanks though.

www.sctflash.com is the company that makes the tuners and they have lots of info there. henson performance is a site vender here and he tunes a lot of explorers, and has made us all very happy customers. He goes by Jah81592 here on the forum if you want to look him up and talk to him on here.

www.sctflash.com is the company that makes the tuners and they have lots of info there. henson performance is a site vender here and he tunes a lot of explorers, and has made us all very happy customers. He goes by Jah81592 here on the forum if you want to look him up and talk to him on here.

thanks techie. i actually found it while googling sct tuner. i am liking that SF3 flash. i will be looking into that. thanks for the tip.:salute:

i bought a volo fs2. HHO. i have a 97 ex sport 4.0 OHV.

i bought a fs2. HHO for my 97 ex sport with the 4.0 OHV. i usually would get 16-17 mpg and about 235-250 miles per tank driving a mix of city and some highway going back and forth to work and college. i i have never been able to change my mpg more than 1 mpg with using 100% gas. when i got the chip i was going on a 2 hour drive the next day. 120 trip. i filled up that morning and left. i didn't notice a diffrence in how many miles i was getting in relation to my gas hand...well i also hadn't given the chip the suggested 120 miles of break in time. so when i got to town i did about 8 miles of city driving. then i went and filled up, i had gotten 17 mpg...dissapointed... but i left and thought id give it another chance after the 120 mile break in... i was surprised. when i returned home, with the same trip, and about 5 miles of city driving before i left, i filled up at an equily flat spot and i had gotten 20 mpg. the only diff was i had not had a 110 pound person in the car with me also...so it had to be the chip. so far i am 226 miles into the first normal driving tank of gas. i still have over 1/4 of a tank, when it should be almost empty... happy :) ill try and post the mpg gain i get over the usual 16-17 iv gotten in the past :)
