water leak!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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water leak!!!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2001
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City, State
san rafael, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 sport, 90gt
well when it rains my interior gets wet! grrrrr!

i thought it was the sunroof so i took it to ford and they couldnt find a leak. i then took it to a really well known body shop here and they couldnt find the leak.

so i dont think its the sunroof.

what else could be leaking? the water soaks into the headliner around the passenger side of the sunroof.

roof racks maybe?

any ideas???????

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Mine was leaking sometimes, what it is on mine is the windshield weatherstrip, tracked it down to a small area that was lifted somehow, cleaned it up, held it open with a putty knife and shot a little caulk in the area, hasn't leaked since
find it with a garden hose or jug of water.

yeh its wierd because it only leaks after its been sitting still in the rain for 2+ hours.
like its puddleing up somewhere then overflowing into the roof.

my plan for when it stops raining here is to get some clear silicon caulk and hit all the seams on the roof racks and any areas around the windshield.

HOPEFULLY it will fix it.

its a real bummer to get in your car in the morning after its been raining all night and find a puddle on the seat. :(

They are notorious for leaks around the windshield.

When did you ahve ti replaced? Who did the work?

Remove the windshiled trim and take a look at the seal job.

410Fortune said:
They are notorious for leaks around the windshield.

When did you ahve ti replaced? Who did the work?

Remove the windshiled trim and take a look at the seal job.
well thats what the body shop told me, that it could be the windshield. so i had it replaced by them. very reputable shop, they do great work.

but i still have the leak, wich is why i think its not the windshield, im going to caulk around it anyway i think. it was replaced about a month ago

you see I knew it was replaced, because it is leaking.

YOU HAVE to sand the windshield pillar metal before applyting the new adhesive, they never do, they jsut do a quick scrape to get the old goo off, without the sanding it will leak and or rust over time.

Take it back and demand a re-seal.

What exactly did the shop do when they replaced your windshield? In my experience many shops will pop out the old windshield and caulk in a new one (Very little concideration is given to any rust issues). I had a leak on the passenger side for about a year before fixing it... See my Leaky Windshield repaire thread (lots of pics and write up).

awesome, thanks guys =)
