Weird light problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Weird light problem


Active Member
February 15, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
SW Maine
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Eddie Bauer EX
I have had no trouble with my EX's lighting system, but last night I notice I have no license plate lights.....?!?!??! I checked the bulbs and they're fine, I think. Anyone else have same weird problem? All of a sudden, they stop working.........I checked all wiring and found no faults, even disconnected OEM trailer wiring harness, thinking that may be the cause, but made no difference. Help?!?!?!? Thanks

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I would check the sockets with a multimeter to look for voltage and recheck the bulbs (test them with some alligator clips on your battery). I would also check the grounding points (if there is only a single wire running to the bulbs there will be a grounding connection). Bad grounds can do all kinds of horrible things to lighting systems. If there is still nothing, start following the wires back until you find voltage or broken wire.

new bulbs, still no light

I would check the sockets with a multimeter to look for voltage and recheck the bulbs (test them with some alligator clips on your battery). I would also check the grounding points (if there is only a single wire running to the bulbs there will be a grounding connection). Bad grounds can do all kinds of horrible things to lighting systems. If there is still nothing, start following the wires back until you find voltage or broken wire.

Thanks for getting back to me, but still having issues. I tried new bulbs, nothing.....argghh. I'm wondering if an aftermarket trailer harness is the cause. I'm also using a Ford OEM trailer harness that just plugs-n-plays into the stock harness behind the bumper so I don't have to reach in and use a mile long flat-4 wire and run it out the cargo hatch. The after market harness is hidden inside the vehicle jack compartment. I'll try your suggestions and work my way back. I even checked the fuse for the lighting circuit and it's fine too.

Thanks again for any tips!


out of you remember what type of bulb those license plate ones were? like the item number maybe???

thanks, i cant wait to put some nice LED's up inside there!

The license plate wire goes from the license plate/bumper area, to the drivers side, up near the tail light. check at that connector. In my case, that connector was really dirty etc. .I just took it apart, cleaned it up, and now all is fine..


The license plate wire goes from the license plate/bumper area, to the drivers side, up near the tail light. check at that connector. In my case, that connector was really dirty etc. .I just took it apart, cleaned it up, and now all is fine..


Mark, How aggressively did you clean the connector? I unplugged mine and hit it with contact cleaner and reconnected it and still nothing. I'll try again with a tooth pick or two. Thanks again for the tip.


I just cleaned it with carb cleaner, and a toothpick.. That was many years ago.. Since then, I have actually just unplugged it.. I got a short in the license plate wire as it runs through the bumper...

