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What can I run?

I was wondering if someone could help me figure out what the biggest tire is that I can run on my stock wheels. I beveive that my wheels are 15x7. I am planning on down the torsion bar lift on my '96 and I would like to run 32's. Most 32's (I'm interested in BFG A/T's). I can find are 11.5 inches wide (I think they are a little to wide for my wheels). Thanks for your help ahead of time.

Tim Y.
1996 Ford Explorer

I am running 33-12.50-r15s on the stock rims. I have had no problem w/ premature wear or the like. I do keep the pressure slightly less than normal to prevent center tread wear.

I am currently looking at a set of 15x8 inch rims. This is a good size if you are looking to change.

91 Sport w/ 33s
"Put the hammer down, she likes it rough!"
