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What do you ladies think

just make her laugh non-stop, do everything on the fly. dont think of anything before hand, just let it come naturally. And read her. If you can tell she feels uncomfortable with something, dont take offense to it, just read her body, it will be easy to tell when you find something that she feels secure about.

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Creager said:
just read her body

I cant read a book unless the cover is open/off, I guess this is the same way?

well we are thirty mins apart so when i have a idea i have to make sure she likes it so it wont be a blow off

Don't put ice cubes down her bra till you know for sure you can get away with it. (Note to self from last night)

Take her to a race! Not sure how far you are from Bristol, but that's a great track. If she's not a NASCAR fan, break up with her.

Break up with me(and this old thread), I quit NASCAR racing this year, it is no longer an American series.

Break up with me(and this old thread), I quit NASCAR racing this year, it is no longer an American series.

Oh please, and dont tell me it's because toyotas $ goes to japan. They got to pay there amercian workers some how! Oh and another thing how many races has toyota won, none! So dont tell me "I quit NASCAR racing this year, it is no longer an American series". Thats just BS.

All profits from all Toyotas go to Japan, no matter where they are made or sold.
All profits from all Fords go to the USA, no matter where they are made or sold.

Every year a certain number of vehicles are bought in the USA. No matter who builds them, or where, or which company sells them, the same number of workers are employed, basically.

If 10,000 more Toyotas are sold here, then most likely 10,000 less will be sold by others. One company will hire more Americans to build the extra cars, and others will be fired because they are not needed. That's what happened with Ford last year, less Fords were needed, more from other companies.

Don't give me crap about being an American, I am extremely proud to be American, and I support my American companies. That you are too stupid to comprehend how the system works is not my fault, that's entirely your ignorance and uncaring of my country.

We voters allowing our government to create harmful business laws, and our horrible tax structure, is unfortunately not funny. American companies rightfully choose to move manufacturing out of the country to avoid our crushing tax system. The same government created import quotas, forcing foreign companies to move their manufacturing here, to avoid the quotas.

If we could get rid of income taxes, all of them including business taxes, the products would all be made here for less. Foreign companies would come here for that tax system, instead of running away from it. Regards,


Sorry this thread got so off track Burns:rolleyes: I just had to chime in to this too.

They got to pay there amercian workers some how!

This is a valid point...on the flip side of that, if you looked under the hood of your "American Made" Ford, Merc.,etc. you'll find many of the parts they use are mfg.'d in Canada, Mexico and Philippines to name a few which means foriegn workers are being paid with US monies. The point is that no American auto's are 100% "made in America" anymore. The only thing they can claim is "Assembled in America".
I like US made products as much as the next guy but sometimes there's just no way around it.

Burns, I hope your dates have been going well!

Sorry this thread got so off track Burns:rolleyes: I just had to chime in to this too.

This is a valid point...on the flip side of that, if you looked under the hood of your "American Made" Ford, Merc.,etc. you'll find many of the parts they use are mfg.'d in Canada, Mexico and Philippines to name a few. The point is that no American auto's are 100% "made in America" anymore. The only thing they can claim is "Assembled in America".
I like US made products as much as the next guy but sometimes there's just no way around it.

Burns, I hope your dates have been going well!

He is no longer dateing her i think.

I just think to stop wacthing nascar because there are toyota's in it now is dumb. I for one love nascar and won't stop watching it because there are toyotas in it.

It's not like any of the Toyotas ever make the top 10 anyways. I for one don't really care who comes in last when I'm watching a race.

I don't really have a favorite favorite, but I guess I'd have to say I root for Matt Kenseth, just because he's kind of the hometown hero for me. He started his racing career out at the same track I raced at a few years ago.

*grumble* Now I'm helping out my buddy who's into dirt track racing. Not my cup o' tea, but hopefully he'll progress to asphalt in time. He hates it when I tell him dirt's for farmin' not racin'.

Sorry this thread got so off track Burns:rolleyes: I just had to chime in to this too.

Its all good. She didnt last long but oh well no big deal. Plenty more out there. Have fun with your truck talk. :thumbsup:

Its all good. She didnt last long but oh well no big deal. Plenty more out there.

That's true:thumbsup: I'm done with the truck talk...in this thread anyways.
We really should debate NASCAR and US auto makers in another thread:rolleyes:

X2 on the camping/ cooking outside, I know I would like a guy to cook hehe

go go-carting in a 2 person cart and let her drive.

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go back in time!
