What does everyone do for work/career??? | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What does everyone do for work/career???

What do you do for a living?

I've seen various threads posted to help readers get to know those they correspond with, something on a daily basis, such as mug shots, where do you live, etc.

I thought I would further the process along by asking what do you do for a living, as in what type of job do you have; what industry; are you in school; unemployed, military, or whatever else.

I hope I'm not reposting a topic.


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I am a mechanical engineering student at the University of Iowa

Project Manager for the Worlds Largest Vertical Transportation Consulting firm
or in other words,

I do Elevator junk, mostly paper pushing

Cool. I work with mechanical engineers on a daily basis. I work for a trade association in the aluminum industry. Those guys can sure be technical (and boring). :)

I'm in my first year out of law school. Graduated from GW.

I figured you were half-alright. :)

I build shooting ranges mostly for military and police departments. Starting to get into the bidding end of things and hopefully soon I will have enough knowledge to start working on the design of ranges.


build shooting ranges? as like indoor or as in like for jet airplanes?

I always though they called those a bottle on a sand hill and the desert!

hahaha just kidding Matt, but seriously you peaked my interest, what kind of shooting? Like the ones where you walk around and wooden people pop up? Cuz that would be so cool to try!! DOnt shoot the lady with the baby!! Dont shoot the lady with the baby!! hahaha

Warehouse manager of a watch company. We import watches out of Hong Kong and sell them to stores like JC Penney and Sears. I have been employed there since I was 18, 18 years ago. Best part of my job is I get to joke around with different kinds of people for 8 hours and get paid for doing it. The worst part- firing people because of downsizing.

Hey X-Factor I'll hook you up with an Elevator for a high end Tag Hauer :)

Yeah its been a thread before, but jobs change and its always a good topic. I am always amazed at the different jobs people do. Growing up they always tell you you can be whatever you want to be, but when you are a kid the only jobs you know of are whatever your parents do, Doctor, Lawyer, and a firefighter. Nobody evey says "when I grow up I want to be a custom hot rod fabricator". Its great to see all the different careers Explorer enthusiasts have...

410Fortune said:
build shooting ranges? as like indoor or as in like for jet airplanes?

So far Ive just delt with outdoor ranges. The next two ranges we are doing are indoor ranges. We can do any of them just a matter of what they want for the range.



I was born into my job, my dad was the CEO, now hes Chairman of the board and retired. Working for your dad is NOT all its cracked up to be. He has not been my boss for 7 years now and I have fought alot of discrimination just because he is who he is :)
I watched many of my peers get promoted ahead of me over and over...finally my hard work is paying offf, or so I keep telling myself :)

Nothing wrong with starting a thread over because as it was stated jobs change and so do people.

Main 40: Electrician

Part time Summer: Certified Motorcycle Instructor through the Motorcycle Safety Foundation teaching for the Illinois Department of Transportation

Part time Winter: Certified Electrical Instructor through the National Center for Construction Education and Research

My dad hired the company to clean up our property after our two houses burned down. Was up one day with my dad and started talking with the president of this division and he offered me a job :) been doing it for 4 months now and love it. Couldnt have a better job for me.

Funny part is that I can't shoot a gun to save my life and know very little about them but am begining to learn more and more.


410Fortune said:
Hey X-Factor I'll hook you up with an Elevator for a high end Tag Hauer :)
You got it as long as the "close door" button work. :D Can I ask you something? I need your professional expertise here... when you press the "Up" button twice, does it come twice as fast?

:p :D

hahahah hell no, once you hit the button the call has been registered.
If your elevators are too damn slow you need to hire us! Complain to the building manager and tell him to hire a consultant, this is what we do.

You know if you are waiting more then 30 seconds for an elevator you are waiting too long, unacceptable in our book.

We are the middle man between the building owners and the elevator companies, we ensure the elevators are being maintained as promised and also ensure the owners dont get ripped off by the elevator companies.........that is just one part of what we do....

Oh Matt that is so funny how lives can change like that.

Also you need to update your sig with your new Chebby info :)

Start shootin! Thats the only way to learn...

I'm a Senior Development Engineer for GE Inspection Technologies. Basically, we design and sell non-destructive test equipment for industry. We also solve application problems for customers. We use ultrasound, eddy current, and X-Ray technologies. We are the world's largest supplier of NDT equipment, and our major industries are Aerospace, Automotive and Petrochemical.

Integrated Science and Technology major with concentrations in Engineering & Manufacturing and Business & Technology at James Madison University

I was hired the past two summers by Naval Facilities Engineering Command, but they had some cutbacks so I couldn't get my job as an Engineering Aid back this year :fire:


I'm a CS co-op student with Fermi National Accelerator Lab, which is currently the highest energy particle accelerator in the world. A lot of neat stuff has been discovered there, like some of the quarks. I Mostly just do programming... Java, C, Perl, JavaScript, *ML, VB, Python, etc... I've got two terms of school left and then hopefully I get hired for a permanent position, but who knows...

Then I do consulting work for a company I used to work for and usually have some type of third part-time job. Right now I'm thinking the Home Depot garden department (about 30 seconds from my house) looks like a good summer prospect. Get some exercise, earn some extra money, and get a sweet farmer's tan!! :p

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good old fermi on lake erie? I used to live somewhat near there.
I decided to join the military (coast guard). Im a "Machinery Technician". sounds pretty technical. Im the one that gets to fix Everything. Our main jobs are Search and Rescue and Law Enforcement though.
