What happened to my AC? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What happened to my AC?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2001
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Deerfield, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT V8
My AC has stopped working lately and even after getting the system recharged it still doesn't work....where do I look to next?

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The fan blows, it's just warm/hot air

Originally posted by Cdexplorer
The fan blows, it's just warm/hot air

Mine started to do that last week just out of the blue. One day it was cold, the next hot. Strange!

does it work on max if so it's probably that wonderful thing called a blend door.

what about the blend door, my ac doesnt work on MAX.

the blend door wouldn't effect you because you got a first generatin xplorer. but any way they break away from the motor that turns them if i understand correctly. mine has done it i don't feel like spending $500-$1000 to fix it.

Originally posted by Chew_12
what about the blend door, my ac doesnt work on MAX.

No, your '93 doesn't have a broken blend door. If it doesn't work on Max, it's not your blend door. On 2nd gen Explorers, if the blend door is broken, the only way to get cold air is in Max.

another reason why i only use max a/c :D

warm air from an AC can mean many things, all pointing to the fact the system is not operational in one aspect or another. The system will not run if the charge is low, the low pressure cutout will stop it from engaging. So first question is, when you have the AC "on" does the compressor engage? If not, in 90 plus percent of the cases it is a low charge (leaving open the question of "where's the leak". ) If the compressor DOES engage and you still have warm air, the options become more difficult. Proper diagnosis in that case needs pressure readings or it's just tarot cards from afar on here. Go see if you have a compressor engaging. Let's go from there.

Happy exploring


We talked about this in another thread but i want to mention it here.. My A/C also didn't work and my compressor kept going on and off every 5 seconds or so. Someone mentioned about crossing the wires on the switch were you fill the system.. I did this and the compressor came on and sayed on.,I let it run 10 minutes or so and the air got a little cooler but not cold..I have the refill can with the guage on it and it is in the red at 100 or so.. A couple people told me that i need to have it drained, cleaned and refilled..This cost around $80 to do.. Do you think this would do it or would it be a waste? I don't want to waste money..I would spend $100 on it but no more.. Thanx

I think at this point I'd recommend you take it to a shop and tell them you have $100 to spend, ask them to diagnose it and let you know. Find a shop with good references.

Happt Exploring

