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What is best spark plug for


March 28, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Bridgeton NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 5.0L AWD
What is the best spark plug for the '97 Explorer with the 5.0 motor? Should I go with the Bosch Plat. or the Motorcraft from the dealer, and if from the dealer about how much are they from there?

Also can you get a MSD wire set for this setup?

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The best spark plug for your X is the stock Motorcraft ones. Go to a parts place and get them. do not go to a dealer. They will just mark them up. I had a Mustang that ran 10.56 and the spark plug: Motorcraft ($1.48 for each one)(the only difference from stock was that they were 3 heat ranges colder). good luck.

get motorcrafts from autozone. I think i got all 6 from autozone for like 25 or so..not too bad.

Ok so autozone will carry the motorcrafs? I now the Advance dosen't....how about the wire's...

Plugs at autozone

I took a look on Autozones web site, and the only Motorcraft plug they list for the 5.0 is a AW2 for $4.49 each. Would this be the right plug?????

You could also call up John V at Explorer Express and order new plugs and wires. Then you know you will have the right ones, no questions asked at a great price.

I'm from philadelphia i have a 1999 explorer limited 4.0 sohc with 99,108 miles.I attempted to remove a plug and it seems to be extremely tight.Is their a cure to remove plugs,they probably are the originals.Secondly i found out their are two different plugs.How do i tell what plug bays are to the corresponding plugs,meaning do i look at the engine standing in front to determine drivers side or do i look at the engine standing face forward to determine drivers side or passenger side.

I dont think there are two different types of sparkplugs for your motor. If you need to get to your sparkplugs, there are service ports in your wheel well that will get you access with an extension. Good luck.

You are both right and it makes you think - How cheap you can get. Spark travels from the base to tip on one side of the engine and tip to base on the other bank. Only one side or the other of the electrode will wear so they only put the platinum one one side of the plug. Saves a little money. That technically gives you two different factory plugs (that you probably can't buy anywhere). When you buy replacement plugs, you get double platinum electrode plugs that work on either side of the engine. Only thing you need to know is if you pull put factory plugs, don't put them back randomly. Autozone told me they dont carry Motorcraft anymore.

so where can I get the motorcraft plat. plugs from my 5.0

This is such a nightmare, I can't find any motorcraft plat. plugs for my 5.0, I never had this much of a issue getting plugs for anything I ever had... I don't want to go to the dealer since they might a ton of money for them...

So who has the 5.0 motor, what plug you put in, and where did you get it?????

LOL, the answer is right under your nose. Call John V. at Explorer Express. He has the exact plugs and wires you need to tune up your 5.0L Support the site and also save yourself some time and money. Good Luck.

Explorer Express

I looked on there site yesterday and didn't see anything about selling plug or wires, so I e-mailed them, havn't heard back yet...

bandit said:
I looked on there site yesterday and didn't see anything about selling plug or wires, so I e-mailed them, havn't heard back yet...
I know it is listed in there magazine. You could call them on there 1-800 number, would be easier. They are very nice people to deal with. But they do have them.

Spark Plugs

Best plug you can ever buy is (NGK or DENSO )
NGK has the Iridum Plug now. The best one in the market.
I use NGK in my 2002 V6.
GP -Platinum - TR55GP
