What is the best lift??? PLEASE REPLY | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What is the best lift??? PLEASE REPLY


November 22, 2001
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'91 XLT
I need to know what the BEST suspension lift would be for a '91 Explorer, and would allow me to fit '33's on it with as small amount of problems as possible, I was thinking maybe the Superlift 5.5 inch kit, but it sounds as if alot of people have had problems with it. I could put a body lift on if needed, but would rather not, and i don't really want to spend over $1000 for everything(shocks, brake lines, and the works)

Bin Ladin :usa:

:eek: :shoot:

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Well welcome to the site!! You want 33s on your rig but don't want to spend over $1000 and no body lift, right?
I'm not to sure about the prices for stuff is for you in NC but I can get a 4" Superlift with all the goodies for about $900 here in Idaho. But Superlift is pretty damn tight with there warranty work. You could try a 4" tuff country lift but I don't got a clue about them. Just my .02 cents!

:chug: :roll:

Maybe a trailmaster 4" with spacers and warrior shackles. You should be able to fit 33's with that.

Here's a pic of my '92 when I first lifted it. It's a TrailMaster 4" with 33s.


It didn't rub anywhere, but all trucks are a little different in their own way. Good luck. :)

Ok, thanks for the replys? FenderGuy:Have you ever had a problem w/ the Trailmaster lift? StuddedX: Any problems with the Superlift? And also, why are 6" lifts cheaper than most 4" lifts?

Thanks to all

First welcome to the board!!

There are some questions you need to ask,
Do you plan on doing a lot of wheeling?

Do you mind working on a vehicle?

Is this a daily driver?

If you plan on wheeling it I would get a bigger lift. I run the 5.5" Superlift with 33's and I had to cut my fenders.
I also run 10" wide rims but we wheel it hard and I want the extra width for that.

The difference between the Superlift 4" and 5.5" lift in front is just a different bolt hole so go all the way if you decide this lift.

I don't care what lift you put in if you wheel this vehicle you will have to work on it. With as much strain put on the vehicles it will need parts replaced. I don't care if you have a FORD, Jeep, Chevy, etc.
Four wheeling is hard on these vehicles.

If you just plan on driving it there should be a few options out there for lifts.

Good luck


Daily driver, 4" TrailMaster with 35s. Very capable off-road, and Fourwheler24 - no problems with my lift yet. I'ts been on for over 2 years now, been through Rubicon twice, Truck Haven only God know, how many times, Big Bear at least 8 times. I did replace the coils because they started tosag but, that was warranty so it was free and coils are easy to install.

$1000 is not much money, and I really hope that's not including tires and wheels.

Perry is right, it depends on what kind of off-roading you're going to do. If you are doing mild stuff then just get a body lift. Good luck.

Well, I want to do some mild-medium off-roading, but i want something that will have some decent flex, and i don't really want a body lift. Also, the $1000 was not including the wheels/tires. It is also a daily driver.

I think I am going to get the Superlift 5.5" and run 33x1250 TSL's or Thornbirds on 15x8 inch rims.

Bin Ladin :usa:

:eek: :shoot:
