what kind of axel do u use | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what kind of axel do u use


February 23, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
pennsauken nj
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 ford explorer eb
hi im new to the mudding game i have a 92 explorer no lift as of yet im try'n to get the expensive stuff outa the way first ...but im really trying to do a solid axel swap but im stuck on what kind of axels to use my friend has a ford bronco late model not sure on what year gotta be late 80's early 90's i was woundering if his front axels would fit i can get for cheap ..how much would it cost to swap n what kinda work m i lookin at .......HELP PLEASE

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You've got some research to do...you've come to the right place so feel free to poke around to see what others have done and see what is right for you.

P.S. you posted this in the wrong forum, this is for completed projects;)

Moved. :)

Late 80s early 90s axles won't be solid. You need 79 or older if you want a Bronco axle.

Read around here, see what everyone else used and how they like it, then decide what's best for you.

i know i jus thought i miet get the answer quiker

Like RangerX and DB_1 said do some research. For most of us it comes down to personal preference. Pros and cons of each setup you know. There are some pretty trick setups for the ttb 35 as well as for solid. Search the sas section spend hours reading and dreaming. Dont for get to do a search for cut and turned ttb 35. The ttb flexes well with some work I had 15" of wheel travel on mine and the coils were still the limiting factor. So reaserch, decide, get some money, buy parts,get more money, buy more parts, build, drive and have a good time. Be safe ask questions and post pics when you get started. There are a lot of great guys here who will try to keep you on the right path.
