What Kind of Car Ticks You Off the Most?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Kind of Car Ticks You Off the Most??


Elite Explorer
September 23, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
330 XLT
What kind(s) of cars really tick you off in traffic? You know - the ones that are guaranteed to go slow and leave 8000 car lengths in front of them - after they cut you off.

My top choices this week:
Toyota Corolla
Toyota Camry
Any type of Saturn

Some days it would be a bad idea to issue me a surface-to-air missile or a low yield thermonuclear strike device....

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any car that looks like it took the wing off an airplane and mounted it to their trunk.

And any type of car that was modified so their 4 cylander sounds like a bag of farts going down the street.

a Corvette.
because those cars can go so much faster then my explorer, but mostly old men drive them and they stay 10-15 MPH under the speed limit.....

1) most ricers, though, a car can be "riced out" and still have some class.

2) ford focii.

3) any slow car that, for some reason, the driver thinks is fast.

4) any old muscle car painted brown, with brown interior, and a brown vinyl top. i cant imagine what those people are thinking.

5) cars/trucks that you can tell the owner just got and went to pep boys and had a field day buying anything and everything that attaches with double sided tape (not to mention the rest of the "useless bolt on aesthetic mod" family.)

thats about it.....for now ;)

Cop cars. :D



I think the clear choice here is ricers. BUT, there is a certain type of ricer that annoys me the most.

ANY type of Honda hatchback, all riced out. Really, these things make me laugh. LOL, it's a hatchback with a wing stuck up on the roof, rollin in the pimpin 13 inch hubcaps. :D :D :D

Any 4x4 with 20" rims or bigger.

Up here in NYC everybody has a 4x4 Escalade, Expedition, Yukon, etc. but they are all riding on huge rims, what a waste of 4x4.

A front wheel drive car with a huge spoiler that looks out of place. Lowered 4x4s.

the somewhat new BMW convertibles. I've yet to have seen one driven responsibly, and one of them almost got driven under the rear end of my truck the other day due to the driver doing at least 85 in a 35.


i'm gonna vent...

Volvo station wagons:shoot:
I swear it is always at like 10 am, and its some lady with BIG dark sunglasses on, child in a car seat, whinnie the poo sun screen in each rear window, changing lanes blindly with not even a signal or a freaking glance to the other lane (not that she could see through the tiny holes in "tigger" anyway). I think i'm just gonna start hitting em and putting volvo logos on the rear quarter of my truck like a fighter pilot.

your right magicman! at least my mom uses her turn signal in her Volvo. but everyone else that drives a Volvo dont use them, i guess they figure since its one of the safest cars on the road that they dont have to use them!:fire: :hammer:

Re: i'm gonna vent...

Originally posted by MagicMan
Volvo station wagons:shoot:
I swear it is always at like 10 am, and its some lady with BIG dark sunglasses on, child in a car seat, whinnie the poo sun screen in each rear window, changing lanes blindly with not even a signal or a freaking glance to the other lane (not that she could see through the tiny holes in "tigger" anyway)...

Aren't you being a little judgemental? I don't think all moms do that. I know my mom doesn't, but then again, she doesn't drive a Volvo.

Chevy Z71's, Avalanches

SLOWEST vehicles on the road.

There's always a redneck behind the wheel of these things and whenever I'm in a rush there's always one sitting in the fast lane doing 50 in a 60!

Plus, all the Z71's around here have that ugly dual exhuasta that sounds horrible and I just hate avalanches because they have more plastic on them than I care to look at.

Honda Civics, and most GM's i dislike

Any kind of Porsche. I have way too many Porsche stories to count. Do they seek me out? The highlights: One doing 95 in a 55 on a mountain road, sending rocks into my windshield; one baiting me at a light in Houston, left him in the dust; many not letting me on the freeways in Austin; one almost forcing me off the road into a fence; many finding their way almost under my rear bumper...

Originally posted by Mike 92 XLT
Cop cars. :D

ooooo, thats a good one :)

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Major Pet Peeve - Any car that has a third brake light in the spoiler and leaves the brake light in the back window, so then the cars has two working third brake lights. Esp. think it is stupid when it is a factory option that leaves them both. Uuuugghhhh!
