What Kind of Car Ticks You Off the Most?? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Kind of Car Ticks You Off the Most??

Mini Vans!

Any type of minivan. Whenever I see one stopped at a light, I always pick the other lane - even if there's a semi truck in it! The "soccer moms" that drive around in their Dodge Caravans, et al are - bar none - the WORST drivers on the road. They're seemingly always in a hurry to get their kids to some practice or another, or to the bank or the grocery store... They really are dangerous!

My runner up would be BMWs (a$$holes, nearly always). They evidently take that "ultimate driving machine" tagline very seriously here in Denver and feel the need to cut in and out of traffic as much as possible - then slow down so you get a nice view of their propeller logo... :rolleyes:

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Anything with a lift that doesn't get wheeled. There are show queens in my town like Dodge and Chevy fullsize that wouldn't fit anywhere on a trail. It is a great feeling to have my rig covered in mud and roll up next to them, all shiny of course.


Originally posted by '96explorereddiebauer

Aren't you being a little judgemental? I don't think all moms do that. I know my mom doesn't, but then again, she doesn't drive a Volvo.

Hey you might want to reread what I actually SAID. I specifically mentioned volvo wagons...not all moms. Sorry if I hit a nerve but then maybe I did the world a favor and you'll take your "pooh and piglet hugging" sunscreen out of the rear window of your X !! :rolleyes:


They are MUCH worse than the 'vette owners. I actually call them Jagoffs because that's what they are. They think they own the road. They even push the BMWs, Corvettes, and Porsches off the road. I have one that I end up behind occassionally on my way to work. We are getting on the freeway, speed limit 65, and he gets on at 45.Urrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!

Also, I agree front wheel drive ricers with wings! HELLO?

Originally posted by Mike 92 XLT
Cop cars. :D

Gonna have to stick with this one

Trucks can be a PITA sometimes. Sometimes they don't let you merge, and you can't do much because they are like 10x as big as you. I guess if you had a CB you could sweet talk them or whatnot. Anyways, I just don't like trucks and Ricers. ARG

Re: judgemental?

Originally posted by MagicMan

Hey you might want to reread what I actually SAID. I specifically mentioned volvo wagons...not all moms. Sorry if I hit a nerve but then maybe I did the world a favor and you'll take your "pooh and piglet hugging" sunscreen out of the rear window of your X !! :rolleyes:

My bad, I take that back, but still. You're attacking the drivers who drive a volvo stationwagon. What if the driver of the volvo station wagon is a man? Would you say the same thing? I'm not trying to flame or anything so don't take it the wrong way. But you know what I mean???

Mine is either Hondas:shoot: or some red-neck driving an old beat up Chevy P/U at 45mph on the interstate.:fire:

wisconsin state troopers who write me tickets.

hmmmm, for starters i have a grudge against most Front wheels drive cars......especially when tuned to drag race. They win extra points if, with a enough wind they could fly, they glow at night, have stickers from another car company, coffee can exhaust, or come in a 3 tone primer paint. I also hate Saturns, Camaros, and bmws........

any type of volvo...... sure they are the saftest car on th road if you drive them like every volvo driver does.... they are the number one car i pass other then mini vans or any truck or car which spits out so much black smoke from their tailpipes that i need to roll up my windows and hold my breath

ricers anything with Hydrolics (sp), anyone that is pacing someone on the highway! and uhh COP cars thats about it!

Hyundai - Accident
Volkswagen - Pass-it
Ford - Ass-Pirate
Mercury - Grand Monkey

Hmmmmm..... worst car.......

I would have to go with the Aztec.

Despite this site new affiliation with it, I still hate them.


yeah i would have to say the aztecs are up there for me... i dont see them around here much....i guess there arent a lot of morons around here to buy them.

convenient they may be, ****ing ugly and cement hogs they are!


Originally posted by '96explorereddiebauer

What if the driver of the volvo station wagon is a man? Would you say the same thing?

I dont see too many men driving them but yes. my beef is more with volvos, and volvo wagons in particuliar. Besides, isnt the point of this thread to bash the vehicles we hate? But I really hate those stupid window sunscreens. it just seems to make the driver neglect to check their blind spot regardless of the vehicle.

Any vehicle that leaves a big smoke screen, and you can smell the oil for blocks!!!

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Camaros - Every time I see one it's a punk kid thinking he has the best car ever made. And he only has the V-6...

Volvos - Just because they're the "safest car made" it doesn't mean you can drive in my lane coming around a blind turn. No car can protect you from a head on at about 50, you're still gonna get badly hurt.

Minivans - Chris (mmpc) pretty much covered this one...

Guy's that drive Jeep's that have either 1. tiny tires that make the whole thing look funny, or 2. huge tires and you can just tell it's never been taken off road.

Cars that I just hate looking at:

Hatchbacks, especially those made into ricers.
Neon's made into ricers
There's another one made by Toyota, but I can't remember the name...it's butt ugly though.

And cop cars :D

EDIT: I forgot one, and I don't know how I did, but MIATA'S....made I hate those cars...
