What Kind of Car Ticks You Off the Most?? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Kind of Car Ticks You Off the Most??


Not that they bother me when they are driving and acting normal! But when they rev their bumble-bee sounding exhaust and try to challenge my X (when I'm minding my business) with their 125hp engine and 125lb srear spoiler. (see ricers and 1" ice dont mix tread)


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What kind of cars ticks me off? Many !!! How many?

The kind of cars driven my all those “a**h***s” (excuse the crutch of the inarticulate) driving around out there with their hand and cell phone glued to the side of their heads, doing one handed maneuvering and weaving through traffic, on the highways, around town, in parking lots with that silly dumb ass blank stare on their faces that they don’t even have the slightest clue they are a danger to themselves and others on the road (what if anything, they are paying attention is another discussion). And when challenged, they think it is an entitlement and\or a constitutional right (maybe in the fine print somewhere or perhaps part of the Telecommunications Act)

other than that yellow ones.

football helmets

those are those little cars that think they are fast but most aren't. they have the big wings, stickers all over the bodies, ground effects and 32" wheels and that weed eater exhaust and sound

and mazda miatas

Any kind of vehicles that is driven by a kept wife driving their kids to some kind of practice/rehearsal/class. They are busy screaming at their kids and not pay any attention to the roads and some how they all think they own the roads and everyone have to get out of their way!!!

BTW - I drive a minivan also (in addition to my XLT) and I can relate to the story about how bad moms are in minivans. I'm guilty at times of driving TOO slow in the van with my family. Even my wife had to remind me that I need to keep up with traffic, when I drive the van, she said I drive like an old fart! But in the Explorer, she said I'm totally opposite. Oh well, can never win with the Mrs.

Originally posted by TarHeel085
a Buick, Oldfolksmobile, and a Caddy!:fire:
I can't help but feel hurt:(

i hate the new gm vehicles, minivans, and volvo's driving slow in the left lane. i don't have problems with porsche, bmw in general, but thats just 'cause i usually weave in and out of traffic worse than they do.

i hate- bmw 323s that people think are cool (a guy in my apartment complex thinks he's the **** with one of these. he gets bonus negative points for shaving the emblems)

i hate - ricers that are faster than me.

i hate- v6 camaros that look like z28s but don't have any engine mods

but most of all i hate all stock mustangs with rims or body kits from a more premium model. if you have a v6 mustang why put a roush body kit on it and cobra rims if your gonna leave the v6 driveline stock. whats the point? everyone can tell what you did. its not like a stock v6 sounds anything like a cobra or roush. not to mention your slower than many top of the line minivans.

any front wheel drive car with foldgers coffee can sized exhaust, F-16 style ground effects kit, huge whale tail rear spoiler, with speed stickers all over it.... oh and the hello kitty doll in the rear window... heh

Originally posted by TwoToneX
Camaros - Every time I see one it's a punk kid thinking he has the best car ever made. And he only has the V-6...

Volvos - Just because they're the "safest car made" it doesn't mean you can drive in my lane coming around a blind turn. No car can protect you from a head on at about 50, you're still gonna get badly hurt.

Minivans - Chris (mmpc) pretty much covered this one...

Guy's that drive Jeep's that have either 1. tiny tires that make the whole thing look funny, or 2. huge tires and you can just tell it's never been taken off road.

Cars that I just hate looking at:

Hatchbacks, especially those made into ricers.
Neon's made into ricers
There's another one made by Toyota, but I can't remember the name...it's butt ugly though.

And cop cars :D

EDIT: I forgot one, and I don't know how I did, but MIATA'S....made I hate those cars...

smae here... but i like miatas...other than the fact they are deathtraps..... and cop cars rule too

Originally posted by jimabena74
and cop cars rule too

I like them as cars, I would love to drive a souped up Crown Vic....I just hate what they represent (and that being that they can get me in trouble :D )

let me restate what i said: "cop cars rule too"
i never said the cops driving them were cool...although there are some cool cops around

I know, I was just agreeing with you :)

Cars I hate:
Any car I can't get in and sit like a normal person without any body part hitting some part of the car. 99% of Japanese cars are this way the roof is too short and the wheel is too low even with proper adjustments made. (I'm 6'2) I'm not into the ghetto seating arrangment.

VW New Beetles
Most Chryslers made since 1976
that Redneck sound of a diesel truck and broken glasspacks.
V-6 Mustangs, slower than a snail in molasses.
Camaros and Firebirds (see way above)
4 banger trucks, that's just wrong!

Cars that I like:
Large, comfortable and fast.

Adding a couple of new ones to the list.

Dodge "Ram" Cum-ins Turbo Diiesel pickups!

Boy do the people who drive those think they are superior....Major STINK producer....99% of the time they are empty!! What the heck do you need 8 billion lb-ft O' torque for????

Saw a Lincoln "Blackwood" today...sorry, but I'm sick of Navigators - and this is not much better.

The Cadilliac version of the Avlanche. Saw one of these today too, almost crashed it's so ugly....I'm saying by next week, I'll see one on 22's.

3 pages now...somebody rate my post...

they have about 12 of em on 22s and 23s on the dealer lot right by school here. and at least three guys who work out at my la fitness have them on 22s as well. they are the car du jour for the baller look right now. i agree that they are the ugliest thing out there if you throw out the other gm vehicles

In no apparent order.......Ricers, Any car with a Calvin-piss-on-anything sticker, Any Dodge product with the "dodge it or ram it sticker" and any Dodge with those stupid freakin light covers with the goats head cutout, 18 wheelers.....period, anything recent in a GM (put the crack pipe down boys), and so many more already mentioned here.

Originally posted by Chris Jella'
In no apparent order.......Ricers, Any car with a Calvin-piss-on-anything sticker, Any Dodge product with the "dodge it or ram it sticker" and any Dodge with those stupid freakin light covers with the goats head cutout, 18 wheelers.....period, anything recent in a GM (put the crack pipe down boys), and so many more already mentioned here.

You reminded me of something, any Jeeps with the "it's a Jeep thing, you wouldn't understand" God I hate those...

Originally posted by RoadEnforcer
yeah i would have to say the aztecs are up there for me... i dont see them around here much....i guess there arent a lot of morons around here to buy them.

I think the only people who drive them are GM execs, and only then because they are forced to by management! :frustrate

Originally posted by Texan01
Cars I hate:
Any car I can't get in and sit like a normal person without any body part hitting some part of the car. 99% of Japanese cars are this way the roof is too short and the wheel is too low even with proper adjustments made. (I'm 6'2) I'm not into the ghetto seating arrangment.

VW New Beetles
Most Chryslers made since 1976
that Redneck sound of a diesel truck and broken glasspacks.
V-6 Mustangs, slower than a snail in molasses.
Camaros and Firebirds (see way above)
4 banger trucks, that's just wrong!

Cars that I like:
Large, comfortable and fast.

I agree with most of these but the new V6 Mustangs are actually decent performers. They have something like 200hp now. With a manual trans, I wouldn't be ashamed to drive one! The pathetic factory wheel choices are another story though. Also, unlike our SOHCs, there ARE superchargers available for the V6 Mustangs.

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K Cars

Japanese cars, sorry but my grandfather didn't risk his life in the pacific (WWII) for me to buy their cars! I also read that American POW's were forced to work and build tanks and planes in the MitsuBITCHi plant in Japan during WWII. :fire:

Lowered 4x4's, "If you want to lower a 4x4, buy a damn car!" :fire:

Yuppies in Land Rovers, take one of the best vehicles off road for crying out loud. No, I just have to look good going to the F'in mall! It deserves better than a trip to the mall.


Any car with "piss on or **** on stickers" on the back windows. Can we put our sheep laden butts in a longer line people? Every time I see a Chevy or Dodge with these stickers with a oval shaped logo under the puddle I smoke 'em. It's played out and they are stupid.

Earnhardt stickers are approaching fast, I understand if you followed the man from the get go, but there are WAY TOO MANY bandwagon followers there. I'll admit, I hated him alive, and hate him now. But, I hated him SO MUCH that I had to give him his props out of respect. But just because he died (racing isn't dangerous) doesn't mena I hop on a bandwagon. It isn't fair for the true Earnhardt fans.

"My Rant is now complete!"

