What limited Slip to install? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What limited Slip to install?

May 28, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Wenatchee, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
I have a 2000 XLS w/SOHC, 5 spd auto and 3.55 open carriers in the front and rear. I want to install a L/S differential (and 4.10 gears). My question is can I safely install a l/s in the front as well as the rear without disabling the Auto mode of the select-trac? and if not can I at least install one in the rear? finally, what is the best aftermarket l/s to get? I like the Auburn unit, or maybe the Eaton? I assume I have the Ford 8.8 rear end, what front end do I have? Just for reference I will be doing a torsion twist on the front and 2 inch aal and/or shakle in the rear so I can run 31x10.5. I do a lot of driving in the snow and this is my daily driver so I dont want to disable auto mode and install a locker. Thanks for any advice!!

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It depends on what you plan to use the truck for. you ddo have an 8.8 rear axle, and no one makes a limited slip unit for the front of your truck. You can get a locker for the front but you do have to disable the auto 4wd. What you put in the rear depends on what you want to do with the truck. Do you plan on wheeling? do you want to build up your truck in the future to hit harder trails? If so go with a locker, they're alot better offroad imho.

Thanks Doug. I do wheel my X, but not too hard. As you can see from my sig I have an old Jeep that I use for hardcore stuff. The most I plan to do is the Torsion Twist and small rear lift w/31x10.5's. I drive a lot in the snow, as I live in the Cascade mountains, and I dont want to disable the Auto mode, nor do I want a locker.

I just read all the threads on the Zexel Torsen unit and that sounds like the way to go, at least for the rear. Anyone using one and care to comment???

I ran the Eaton unit in the rear for many years without any problems from it. Not as good as a true locker, but the best LS out there on the trail and street IMO. The only thing better would be the Eaton electric locker which is an LS when disengaged.

You can get a Powertrax for the front but would need to disable auto 4x4.

Thanks Alec. What was it you liked / disliked about the Eaton? Anyone else care to pipe in? I'm particularly interested in comments on the Zexel Torsen. Thanks again!

It's rebuildable, it's strong, it only unlocked when other driveline parts were at risk, and it's good at sending as much power as possible to the good tire (up to around 2/3 I believe).

But again, not as good as a true locker.

Cool, thanks Alec.
