What Muffler to buy...? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Muffler to buy...?


New Member
April 27, 2010
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City, State
newtown, ct
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 xlt V8 5.0L
I want to add some nice loud sound to my 1998 V8 5.0L Explorer. I'm tight on money. I was thinking about a THRUSH GLASSPACK MUFFLER.. any other options that would bring loud sound for a lower price?

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hey man ive got a MAC catback on my 6cyl sounds like a v8 you might try it go to explorerexpress.com they should have it

a lot of people have been saying the optimal exhaust setup is torque monster headers followed by the stock primary cat's followed by pipes replacing he secondary cat's (fully legal) followed by a dual 2.25" inch in 2.5" single out flowmaster with a 2.5" tailpipe similar to stock

believe it or not, other than the secondary cats and a poor sounding muffler, the stock setup is actually quite efficient (except the manifolds)

glasspacks sound like crap on the 5.0, give it a tinny ricey sound. Magnaflow, Dynomax, Flowmasters, Flo-Pro are all great.

it's funny that everyone's embarrassed to drive a station wagon, but drop a truck chassis under it and call it a SUV and suddenly everyone wants one...

I like your comments and your signature. I've been saying that for 20 years and what do they give us, the Dodge Magnum. I guess there are no probs with burly menfolk drivin' that.
