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whats it worth?

joe doe

Well-Known Member
April 10, 2003
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 ex sport 4.0 ohv
my fellow explorer lovers . i recently put my beloved 2000 sport to the boneyard after 12 years and 2 transmissions .
it hasnt been long but i sure miss it . theres a very nice looking sport in my area . its a 2001 with 102,000 on the clock ,new tires,new alt, shocks, needs inspection .
they want 3k .(just lowered it)

he wanted more ,i been trying to get it for 2500.00. it only books for 2k on kelly blue book .
but he wont go that low .

have a look .what you think???

kinda on the fence here . love explorer sports, but after losing reverse in 2 transmissions i really only wanted to give him 2k . maybe 2500.00 . its in nice shape with new tires .



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I'd stick with the two grand offer. You're not far from Jersey. If you look around CL in that area there's a lot of clean rigs with low prices.

thanks i will look into that

prices vary by location, but in my area $2500 for a 2001 Sport would be on the high side. $2000 would be a pretty good deal, but do you really want to get into another Sport which has the same weaknesses as your previous one, plus perhaps some problems your old one didn't have? after-all its a 14 year old vehicle with over 100K on it.

i hear ya .....i really love the 2 door sport . wish they had kept making them so i could get a newer one .

thought about buying a 2012 kia sportage because they get good reviews and no trans issues i read about .
was looking at the ford 2012 5 door hatckback with auto and select a shift ,but they got horrible reviews and the transmissions got even worse reviews . so thats out .

decisions decisions......

i hear ya .....i really love the 2 door sport . wish they had kept making them so i could get a newer one .

thought about buying a 2012 kia sportage because they get good reviews and no trans issues i read about .
was looking at the ford 2012 5 door hatckback with auto and select a shift ,but they got horrible reviews and the transmissions got even worse reviews . so thats out .

decisions decisions......

there's a site called www.carcomplaints.com you might find helpful in your search.

cool site thanks :thumbsup:

yeah it is but they are still at 3k for it .for 2k i be there buying it . maybe 2500.00 but even thats pushing it .i just fear that within 15=20k miles it will lose reverse and then i be right back in the same boat .
