Whats this?.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Whats this?....


Well-Known Member
January 20, 2000
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City, State
Watertown, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
Ok, I was asking around and checking on the max size I could go with a 3" body lift and a set of RS9000 Rancho shocks... This was with the intention of getting a 5.5" lift from Superlift later down the line. I was told that the RS9000s wouldn't work with that after I got the 5.5" lift. BUT.... I saw this....http://www.4x4central.com/ocl.htm

and his truck has them... can someone explain what I'm missing? and does anyone know if I can get 32" X 11.5" M/T's under the rig with just a 3" body ... I won't be doing any offroading until I get the 5.5" lift in about 6months... but I'd like to be able to drive around the city without ripping my fenders off. Please help me out guys...



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You will need different shocks after you install a suspension lift. Your body lift can use the same shocks you already have. Maybe that's what they meant. In any case the suspension lift will require different size shocks.

Is there anyone on the board running a 5.5" Superlift with Rancho 9000 who can tell him exactly which part #s he needs?

I am and I've been asked that by a few board members. I'm away from my Explorer for a little while but I'm going to get it as soon as possible. If nothing else I'm sure someone on the list has the model numbers :).

Thank you guys....


Part Numbers

Like Matt, I'm away from my truck. I'll check the PN # too.

Also you can call 4WD parts and ask them if you don't want to wait on us. 1-800-421-1150.

Ok, I get it now...its a size issue for the length of the RS9000's that go under.... I'll keep that in mind.

Does anyone know if the Superlift 5.5" lift comes with shocks? ...

Also, seroiusly...does anyone know if I'll be able to get 32" X 11.5" M/T's under the truck w/ a 3" body?....




Superlift comes with thier own shocks. I upgraded to RS9000's on my kit. Price the kit with RS9000's when you shop the price.

With the 3" body lift you may have some rubbing at full lock with 11.5" tires. The height may not be an issue, but you may find yourself doing a little trimming on the airdam and the wheel wells...


Superlift shocks are about as good as lead weights. They are the WORST shock I have seen on the road. I upgraded to the RS9000's and right now I am running around without sway bars and the shocks set to 5 and its still better with sway bars and the superlift shocks.

Alright here's the deal...
I ordered the 5.5" from Rocky Mountain Suspension. I ended up with the basic kit and opted not to get the stainless braid brake lines just yet. I asked for a set of RS9000's with the kit, but they only carry a few brands...TrailMaster, Heck..err..something, Superlift, and Rough Country was the 4th I believe. I thought about getting the SSV TrailMaster shocks, but was unaware of how good they were. I decided to not get shocks just yet and see however if http://www.Ilikemud.com would take the shocks back that were being shipped to me ( a set of RS9000's) and exchange them for ones that were the proper length to go with the 5.5" lift. Unfortunately....when I went to look for a number for someone to talk with, there was none available at their website....they offered only a fax number and an email address for responses. Does anyone know of a voice line to reach this company? I am concerned that I may be getting taken....I have yet to see a company that does not offer some type of voice communication with their customers. I emailed and faxed the company, hopefully they are legit and will reply shortly.

